Please take a few minutes to remember/think about all the people in your life who have been affected by the AIDS pandemic.
To my knowledge, none. Zip. Zero. Nada.
Which is why the following makes you sound like a santimonious, self-righteous asshole. So typical of the "caring" and "understanding" religious communities to spout such bullshit.
I've seen what this disease can do to someone up close and personal. Believe me; when you do, your tune will change in a heartbeat.
I *do* come from a predominantly Protestant community.
So that's supposed to make the rest of us "forgive" you for being a jackass? Or maybe it's supposed to give you the "moral superiority" to pass judgement on others?
Consider me cold, consider me cruel, but I have little sympathy for people who trade needles, or who engage in unsafe sex. From a Protestant background, I naturally have been taught homosexuality is a sin, but I'm not quite a practicing Protestant - I'm not going to hold a lifestyle against anyone.
What a load of bullshit. That's exactly what you're doing.
But a promiscuous homosexual lifestyle, or drug use, seems to be the major vector for AIDS. You make choices, you take the consequences.
(sarcasm on)
Oh, how so "understanding" and "tolerant". Everything I've come to love and expect from folks like this.
Consider me cold, consider me cruel, but I have little tolerance for religious people such as you who think that it's ok to condemn a whole section of humanity just because God says it's ok to do so.
(sarcasm off)
I am happy to see research in retroviruses; that can help in many other areas of human health. But I would *much* rather see money spent toward the leading causes of death in the country, rather than the largely avoidable death by AIDS.
So, to all those health care professionals who, by doing their jobs and providing comfort and care to others with this same affliction, have contracted this disease you say what? "Fuck you"? That's nice. While you're at it, tell them how "avoidable" it is to not get this disease by just not having anything to do with those "dirty" people who don't deserve to live because they don't follow the preaching of *your* religion.
And people wonder why I'm a self-proclaimed Agnostic/Atheist.....