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New I care, do you?
Saturday, 1 December 2001 is [link|http://www.worldaidsday.org/|World AIDS Day].

Please take a few minutes to remember/think about all the people in your life who have been affected by the AIDS pandemic.

Amid how fortunate most of us are, there are others who are, sadly, infected with this disease for which there is no cure.

I am announcing, here and now, my hopeful intention to ride in at least one [link|http://www.aidsride.org/|AIDSRide] per yer until there is no longer a need for anyone to ride for AIDS.
By the end of the year, an estimated 40 million people worldwide will be living with AIDS. That is 40 million too many. Do what you can, please, to help stop this pandemic.

If any of you wish to get involved in an AIDSRide event, please feel free to contact me. I have ideas for ways to get involved even if you're physically unable to participate in the Ride itself. If you're thinking of doing the AIDSRide and want help or pointers on training, let me know; I'd be glad to help!

I surrender.

With the white flag that signifies the presence of all colors
And the promise of all possibilities, I surrender.

Because surrender is the province of the brave,
And not the refuge of the cowardly, I surrender.

As one year surrenders to the next,
As winter surrenders to spring and spring to summer,
So I surrender my blinded notions of the past
To the dreamcatcher of the future.

In surrender, I surface from a sea of doubt.

In surrender, I surmount the odds and even the playing field,
So that no one be left behind.

In surrender, I surprise myself with new resolve.
I surround myself with family and friends, new and old,
Where I might have tried to go it alone.

I give up on the race.
I give up on a world of competition,
Where getting ahead tramples on all kindness,
All humanity,
And all beauty.

I surrender at last, to humankind,
So that I may be human in the deepest sense,
So that I may be kind without reservation.
I surrender this morning, and in surrender,
I survive.

"The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by the skeptics or the cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need people who dream of things that never were." - John F. Kennedy
New Like to see some of the funds raised
go towards wising-up some of the new crop. At least in SF area, there's a redux of the former 'bath house' scene, though this is mainly about Rave-style dancing (new name for it, which didn't register beyond the hippocampus). Seems folks are getting careless again. And that tends to bring out the worst in the critics, esp. the Morality Police - ever ready to render OT-Judgments. (Not that they wouldn't anyway - but they can be ever so much more sanctimonious, when there's a hint of idiocy too).

Yeah - it's a hetero problem just as much, but perception is what most settle for. Too much trouble to really look. Couldn't hurt to try for some formal cluex4 work - it may be about ignorance, forgetfulness.. not necessarily rampant dumbth. Y'know?

New shouldnt the old guard wise up the new?
The hetro scene is also a jepardy. Found myself in a convrse wih a yungun about the fact that bj's are not the answer to not getting aids. dumasses even think drinking mountain Dew lowers yer sperm count. Not in the schools, no but on the street, on the corner. take some time to preach, avoid looking like a preacher or the slegals will be looking for you.
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New If it is creeping dumbth - they're screwed then.
New Do I care? I care for more important things
Please take a few minutes to remember/think about all the people in your life who have been affected by the AIDS pandemic.

To my knowledge, none. Zip. Zero. Nada.

I *do* come from a predominantly Protestant community.

Consider me cold, consider me cruel, but I have little sympathy for people who trade needles, or who engage in unsafe sex. From a Protestant background, I naturally have been taught homosexuality is a sin, but I'm not quite a practicing Protestant - I'm not going to hold a lifestyle against anyone. But a promiscuous homosexual lifestyle, or drug use, seems to be the major vector for AIDS. You make choices, you take the consequences.

I am happy to see research in retroviruses; that can help in many other areas of human health. But I would *much* rather see money spent toward the leading causes of death in the country, rather than the largely avoidable death by AIDS.
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it."
-- Donald Knuth
New okay lets play
I dont want to spend any money on breast cancer, seems a woman thing. Likewise any money to be spent on research on prostate cancer since only repressed whitebread republicans seem to get it. Oh yeah, no money for lung cancer research, no dollars for heart disease since only fat fucks get that. Diabetes? use sachrin, pnemonia? wear a sweater,yup I am proud to bring my ignorance to the fore so when your lilly pure but gets aids because of who you might have swapped spit with before you were married dont come crying to us.
Unless your reflexive response stops to think about slow viruses like rheumatoid arthristis, lupus, etc other slow virii of the same genus as aids might benefit from the attention spent on this one.(excuse the appearance still learning the keyboard)
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New I was going to wait and calm down, but fuck it.
Please take a few minutes to remember/think about all the people in your life who have been affected by the AIDS pandemic.

To my knowledge, none. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Which is why the following makes you sound like a santimonious, self-righteous asshole. So typical of the "caring" and "understanding" religious communities to spout such bullshit.

I've seen what this disease can do to someone up close and personal. Believe me; when you do, your tune will change in a heartbeat.

I *do* come from a predominantly Protestant community.

So that's supposed to make the rest of us "forgive" you for being a jackass? Or maybe it's supposed to give you the "moral superiority" to pass judgement on others?

Consider me cold, consider me cruel, but I have little sympathy for people who trade needles, or who engage in unsafe sex. From a Protestant background, I naturally have been taught homosexuality is a sin, but I'm not quite a practicing Protestant - I'm not going to hold a lifestyle against anyone.

What a load of bullshit. That's exactly what you're doing.

But a promiscuous homosexual lifestyle, or drug use, seems to be the major vector for AIDS. You make choices, you take the consequences.

(sarcasm on)
Oh, how so "understanding" and "tolerant". Everything I've come to love and expect from folks like this.

Consider me cold, consider me cruel, but I have little tolerance for religious people such as you who think that it's ok to condemn a whole section of humanity just because God says it's ok to do so.
(sarcasm off)

I am happy to see research in retroviruses; that can help in many other areas of human health. But I would *much* rather see money spent toward the leading causes of death in the country, rather than the largely avoidable death by AIDS.

So, to all those health care professionals who, by doing their jobs and providing comfort and care to others with this same affliction, have contracted this disease you say what? "Fuck you"? That's nice. While you're at it, tell them how "avoidable" it is to not get this disease by just not having anything to do with those "dirty" people who don't deserve to live because they don't follow the preaching of *your* religion.

And people wonder why I'm a self-proclaimed Agnostic/Atheist.....
New dont annoy he wildlife
Does Jim Bakker have aids from his husband in jail? dunno neither do I. If his congregation has deaths from "cancer" maybe his preacher and family members dont extoll AIDS specifically. "Bob has cancer" doesnt suggest wehter "Bob" has AIDS contracted from an "approved" source because of fear of what the "community" will think of the family. Let them think wha they may, it aint all sexual contact.
My sister worked for the Canadian equiv of OSHA and her department got a directive that motel sheets had to reach a certain temp for x amounts of minutes to kill the aids virus or after 60 days the stains could come alive with sweat. In Messr Harris case, take your own sheets to Canada on vacation :)
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New dont forget all the diddlers in the religious community :)
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New Re: Do I care? I care for more important things
But a promiscuous homosexual lifestyle, or drug use, seems to be the major vector for AIDS.

Er, bollocks, basically. That might have been true 10 years ago, but now the fastest growing group of HIV+ (AIDS is not the virus, it's the syndrome) people is non-drug-using heterosexuals.

Go Mike!

Shill For Hire
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Uh, "fastest growing"... As a *percentage*, or what?
If I'm not misled by "intuitive" maths, that could still mean more people, in _absolute_numbers_, get it the "traditional" ways.

So be a bit more specific, please.
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Doesn't Know Fucking Everything About HIV/AIDS
New Stats, California November 2001
Heterosexual cases account for 5% of infections (cumulative) in California. Hetero cases are higher for U.S. average because so many gays have flocked to California.

Of hetro cases, 2/3 are female, and I know from charts I have seen posted (I have a bunch of clients who are medical testing labs) nearly all of those females are black, the only significant rising group in California.

Sticking to my general age group, demographic and ethnicity, I could sleep with a different woman every night for the rest of my life without significantly changing the odds between dying of AIDS versus the Los Angeles freeways.

New Personally speaking...
I like your method of suicide better than the LA freeway method...

-scott anderson
New Re: Uh, "fastest growing"... As a *percentage*, or what?
Look here:

[link|http://www.niaid.nih.gov/factsheets/aidsstat.htm|National Institute Of Allergy & Infectious Diseases].

Some juicy tit-bits.

* Worldwide, more than 80 percent of all adult HIV infections have resulted from heterosexual intercourse.

* The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 800,000 to 900,000 U.S. residents are living with HIV infection, one-third of whom are unaware of their infection. (my emphasis)

Look here:

[link|http://www.avert.org/statsyr.htm|UK Aids Statistics]

Look specifically at the table "How people got infected". Look at the numbers for homosexual intercourse versus heterosexual intercourse, for men.

Also look here:

[link|http://www.tht.org.uk/stats.htm|Terrence Higgins Trust]

Note that 50% new diagnoses of HIV infection in 2000 were via heterosexual sex versus 39% via homosexual sex.

Am I getting this through?

I'm not making this shit up. AIDS is no longer "The Gay/Junkie Disease". The sooner certain people around here wake up to that fact the better.

Shill For Hire
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Danger signs are brewing.
I heard a report the other day that homosexuals in Australia are starting to not regularly use condoms.

That said, HIV and other STDs are and really always have been promiscuity diseases.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New Another statistic
Alas I'm way busy with work at the moment to make a contribution to this discussion of any significance.

But on Friday, when I bought a red ribbon from folks near the railway station, attached was a small card that said, among other things, '95% of people living with HIV reside in the developing countries'
Can't remember which, but some African countries now have an average life expectancy of about 40.

If nothing else, it was at least heartening to see quite a few red ribbons being worn on Friday.
On and on and on and on,
and on and on and on goes John.
New So that's was what those were about? (Why wasn't I told B4?)
New I'll try and remind you for next year
On and on and on and on,
and on and on and on goes John.
New Re: Do I care? I care for more important things
To my knowledge, none. Zip. Zero. Nada.

I am actually pleased to hear that. But that is "for you" (and also it's "to your knowledge" -- consider that you simply might not know that some co-worker of yours hasn't told you yet because they are able to infer that you would react this way?)

I hope that we can make it so all of us can say that.

I *do* come from a predominantly Protestant community.

Congratulations. I come from a predominantly Catholic community. I don't let that hold me back, and I don't let that tell me how to judge others. I wish we could say the same for you.

Consider me cold, consider me cruel, but I have little sympathy for people who trade needles, or who engage in unsafe sex. From a Protestant background, I naturally have been taught homosexuality is a sin, but I'm not quite a practicing Protestant - I'm not going to hold a lifestyle against anyone. But a promiscuous homosexual lifestyle, or drug use, seems to be the major vector for AIDS. You make choices, you take the consequences.

You are both cold and cruel.

You are also wrong.

And you are holding a lifestyle against others by your comments.

A few facts: Simply because one is a homosexual does not mean that they are automatically promiscuous. Conversely, simply because one is promiscuous does not make them a homosexual. There are sexually promiscuous heterosexuals as well. They contract everything from syphilis to gonorrhea to, yes, HIV. Aside from all of that, homosexuality and drug use is not the leading vector of the spread of HIV. Worldwide, it is becoming more and more transmitted through heterosexual sex.

Welcome to the year 2001, where AIDS is no longer a gay-man's-and-druggies disease. That stereotype went out of fashion in with the late 1980's, generally. A few people continued to hold on to it, but that stigma largely fell by the wayside with Magic Johnson's announcement in 1992(?) that he is HIV+.

I am happy to see research in retroviruses; that can help in many other areas of human health. But I would *much* rather see money spent toward the leading causes of death in the country, rather than the largely avoidable death by AIDS.

Death by AIDS, to those affected by HIV, is a certainty, given the absence of other causes. If you contract HIV, you will die from it assuming you don't die of something else first. Yes, there are drugs which can assist in the improvement of ones quality of life. And same drugs can help lower the virus to nearly undetectable levels in the bloodstream. But that doesn't mean that it is vanquished.

That is what I hope to assist in accomplishing. If you have other causes you wish to support, then I commend you. If, instead, all you hope to accomplish is inform us that since you are neither gay nor a druggie, you aren't affected by this horrible disease, you are sadly mistaken.

"The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by the skeptics or the cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need people who dream of things that never were." - John F. Kennedy
New Well put, but likely ineffective in this 'case'.
Boolean logic has zip to do with a healthy emotional-age, development, maturity. And the hubris which applies the above asinine infralogic to those affected by this pandemic - makes clear that none of your message could be received.

Does anyone here imagine that, with an hour or two of [ugh] face time with Billy or Bally: one could explain the concept of say, integrity to these damaged machine-minds? (Nice fantasy but: they lack the referents for the words - just blab to them, then..)

Same deal. When he's 64.. (a ref. bound to go over his head!) he'll be content with his Sony Robot-Dog as companion. It will respond to his programming with its own <> as they watch reruns of Beavis n' Butthead, with their take-out triple-bacon cheeseburgers, reheated in the microwave. Symbiosis.

As to the 'Protestant' excuse (epithet?) for immaturity - methinks the (can't say gentle-) man doth protest too much: Jesus cannot be blamed for the folks what sport a variant of his Badge, but don't grok shit! any more than the other Avatars and their often execrable followers.


But thanks for the reminder: since it ain't them Awful Queers\ufffd who are the majority of the sufferers today, ya gotta become an equal-opportunity Hater to spout the above kind of drivel. Rorschak test: failed.

New Generic cancer research, heart disease, trauma
I (and most other people) have more chances of dying from cancer, heart disease, or just plain getting squashed in an automobile crash than from AIDS.

I have more chances of dying from a dozen other things, even if I engaged in unprotected sex every day of the week for the rest of my life. (Maybe I underexaggerate. It may be six dozen other things.)

Unprotected sex or needle infection is the leading cause of AIDS infection. It can be transmitted via heterosexual sex. But that's the exception. Are people here claiming that AIDS is an epidemic that is not entirely based on their own choices? Talk to me.

AIDS spreads via intercourse (usually homosexual) or direct blood infection. Unless it's one of the few who got infected via contaminated blood, it was a risk they took by the lifestyle they chose. You can't get it via kissing someone. You can't get it by breathing the air. You get it by sex. You get it by having sex with someone who already has it. You get it by having sex with someone who has had sex with someone else who has it. You get it by having sex with someone who has had, at best, one other sex partner who has themselves also had sex with at least one other partner.

Monogamous homosexuals don't get AIDS. Monogamous heterosexuals don't get AIDS.If you think that's a hateful attitude, well, that's not my problem.
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it."
-- Donald Knuth
New Re: Generic cancer research, heart disease, trauma
Monogamous homosexuals don't get AIDS. Monogamous heterosexuals don't get AIDS.If you think that's a hateful attitude, well, that's not my problem.

Let's just hope you get lucky with the next blood transfusion you need...

Shill For Hire
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
     I care, do you? - (Yendor) - (21)
         Like to see some of the funds raised - (Ashton) - (2)
             shouldnt the old guard wise up the new? - (boxley) - (1)
                 If it is creeping dumbth - they're screwed then. -NT - (Ashton)
         Do I care? I care for more important things - (wharris2) - (17)
             okay lets play - (boxley)
             I was going to wait and calm down, but fuck it. - (n3jja) - (2)
                 dont annoy he wildlife - (boxley)
                 dont forget all the diddlers in the religious community :) -NT - (boxley)
             Re: Do I care? I care for more important things - (pwhysall) - (8)
                 Uh, "fastest growing"... As a *percentage*, or what? - (CRConrad) - (7)
                     Stats, California November 2001 - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                         Personally speaking... - (admin)
                     Re: Uh, "fastest growing"... As a *percentage*, or what? - (pwhysall) - (4)
                         Danger signs are brewing. - (static)
                         Another statistic - (Meerkat) - (2)
                             So that's was what those were about? (Why wasn't I told B4?) -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                 I'll try and remind you for next year -NT - (Meerkat)
             Re: Do I care? I care for more important things - (Yendor) - (3)
                 Well put, but likely ineffective in this 'case'. - (Ashton)
                 Generic cancer research, heart disease, trauma - (wharris2) - (1)
                     Re: Generic cancer research, heart disease, trauma - (pwhysall)

You're typing on a device that stores trillions of pieces of data and makes billions of computations per second with the ability to grab data on almost anything from around the world in milliseconds, using electricity transmitted from hundreds of kilometers through wires on towers dozens of meters tall connected to megastructures that do things like burn coal as fast as entire trains can pull into the yard, or spin in the wind with blades the size of jumbo jets, or the like, which were delivered to their location by vehicles with computer-timed engines burning a fuel that was pumped up halfway around the world from up to half a dozen kilometers underground and locked into complex strata (through wells drilled by diamond-lined bores that can be remote-control steered as they go), shipped around the world in tankers with volumes the size of large city blocks and the height of apartment complexes, run through complex chemical processes in unimaginable quantities, distributed nationwide and sold to you at a corner store for $1.80 a gallon, which you then pay for with a little piece of microchipped plastic, if not a smartphone, which does all of the aforementioned computer stuff but in a box the size of your hand that tolerates getting beaten up in your pocket all day.

But technology never seems to advance...

103 ms