No-one has mentioned Saddam's diplomacy - he got France, Germany, and Russia on his side, simply by bribing them (those trade contracts).

And we did no bribing to get our vaunted "coalition of the willing"?

In recent years the US has shown considerable weakness by not responding seriously enough to events like the first bombing of the WTC,...

Um, where is that Yosuf guy again? Oh yeah, we arrested, prosecuted and jailed him. I remember. What weakness! Apprehending those responsible for a crime and punishing them under the law. Sheesh. What were we thinking? What are we? Some kind of pussy country "governed by law and not by Men"? Sheesh.

the attack on the USS Cole, etc. That will now change, and America will be the better for it.

The Cole. Oh yeah, the event the current cabal was "tired of hearing about" that was "too long ago to do anything about"... Wow. Just, Wow.