Post #197,629
3/8/05 10:21:23 AM

I resent that
My dietary habits and my profession are 2 separate issues. What is the big freakin deal here. Who cares? And my picture isnt posted because I cant figure out how to do. I'm not a computer genious, okay??? You're implying that I'm not who I say I am. That's a ridiculous accusation. Who else would I be??
It's like, "How much more black could this be?", and the answer is none. None more black.
Post #197,632
3/8/05 10:35:43 AM

He's pulling your chain.
Don't take the bait if you don't want to. :-)
To post your picture, go to [link||Edit Preferences] and scroll down to "Personal Picture URL" and enter the address of the picture. It'll need to be on a public web or FTP site. If you don't have one, you can put it on twikIWETHEY.
Others can explain the gory details (optimum size, etc.).
Cheers, Scott.
Post #197,634
3/8/05 10:49:04 AM

On the Internet it's never rediculous . .
. . because false personalities abound, some very skillfully maintained over long periods of time.
You've been pretty consistent, so I certainly don't expect you to turn out other than what you say, I believe in applying the benefit of the doubt quite liberally in any case, but I wouldn't be shocked if you did.
As for making it a "big freakn deal", you've contributed your fair share, so there's no cause to get all huffy.
I would still find it a delicious set of rationalizations for a vegan to work opening up critters for scientific divination, but, alas, you haven't claimed to be one of those.
As I said, I spent time (about a decade) being a vegetarian, though not an "ethical" one nor pure (going out I'd eat what I was served regardless), but bein' a farm boy I wasn't about to be disgusted by what anyone else wanted to eat - I'd already seen it all and where it came from.
Post #197,645
3/8/05 11:29:24 AM

Only if...
... a person is a vegan for moral reasons as opposed to health reasons would it be a rationalization or delicious.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #197,651
3/8/05 11:42:26 AM

Oh, stop bringing that up . .
. . the concept of a vegan without the moral conviction just goes counter to all the clichés and spoils the fun.
OK, for clarity, in the future I'll spell it with a capital "V" when the religion is implied and a lower case "v" when it's just dietary.
Post #197,666
3/8/05 1:04:42 PM

Works for me.
Not that I'm a vegan any longer, thankfully. I like cheese too much, and that tofu cheese garbage makes me vomit.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #197,719
3/8/05 7:23:52 PM

You said the V word!
Oh no, here comes CRC!!!
Post #197,721
3/8/05 7:25:50 PM

ObLRPD: Stop using vowels.
Post #197,737
3/8/05 9:37:21 PM

I've sampled tofu cheese . .
. . a couple varieties just to be fair, and I will readily admit those who eat it have truly strong moral principles, because nothing less would enable them to pretend that stuff is edible.
Post #197,718
3/8/05 6:51:22 PM

Fine. Just dont call me a liar.
It's like, "How much more black could this be?", and the answer is none. None more black.
Post #197,735
3/8/05 9:02:45 PM

Of course not . .
. . nor did I - however it is unrealistic not to keep the possibility always in mind, even when dealing with those you think you know well.
They who don't end up getting anonymous mention in newspaper articles saying things like, "Hundreds of trusting members of Mr. Ponziform's church are still trying to collect at least some portion of their investment but no money has yet been found".
Please notice I am not actually accusing you of running a Ponzi scheme - nor in the original post did I actually accuse you of not being who you claimed to be, but only mentioned the everpresent possibility and the entertainment value that would have.