Post #197,381
3/6/05 2:42:03 PM

That sounds easy to write
There are Perl modules giving access to the registry. Just walk it recursively and do a dump to a file. Do that before and after, then do a diff.
Once you've written it in Perl, it can be made into a batch job.
Cheers, Ben
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
Post #197,390
3/6/05 2:58:32 PM

Here's the problem.
The Registry changes. Continuously. All kinds of state is stashed in all kinds of places in it.
Your diff would be huge, and then finding the relevant bits would be a bit of a needle and haystack affair.
Peter [link||Ubuntu Linux] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Home] Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
Post #197,392
3/6/05 3:00:54 PM

Good enough for this case though?
Barry just needs to snapshot a system, install one package, snapshot again and diff.
Since the only difference is a few minutes and one install, this sounds doable.
If the diff is huge, he can always use lots of grep -v's to filter it out. Just like he's used to doing for logs.
Cheers, Ben
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
Post #197,397
3/6/05 3:33:01 PM

Don't trust it
Have way too little experience with the issues involved. So I'll run the program I found during several installs and see if it make sense. I'll also see if there are any commercial programs that claim to to the same. I'm not above paying for a utility that does it, written by someone with years of experience in the area.
Here is the issue:
We have a commercial package running as a spooling server. We develop programs that use it over the course of a month. It might take WEEKS to test the various programs that use it when it is upgraded. But we might be forced to upgrade it for a particular problem, which we don't care about for the other programs using it. This means I need multiple versions of the software running on that server, or I need multiple servers, one for each version. I might need a DOZENS of versions active at the same time within a couple of years. If 3 people spend 2 months working on a system that requires a particular version of the software, there is NO WAY that particular application will be modified to fit a new version of the spooler. Multiply that by 1/2 dozen teams of people, adding a couple more teams every few months. Oh, and each server costs about $12,000, plus about $5K for the software license.
Post #197,400
3/6/05 4:04:44 PM

And what are we doing when the two most powerful nations on earth -- America and Israel -- stomp on the elementary rights of human beings?
-- letter to the editor from W. Ostermeier, Liechtenstein
Post #197,402
3/6/05 4:35:22 PM

Too slow
VMWare overhead was about 30% when I tested it. The spooling process is almost 100% CPU. Typical spool job goes for 1 to 5 minutes. I run up to 3 at the same time, and I might have hundreds in the queue.
Right now I am running on a dual opteron, but can put another 2 CPUs if I need to. I am unwilling to sacrifice the CPU unless I REALLY have to.
Post #197,398
3/6/05 3:34:08 PM

Experiment time!
I dumped the registry, waited five minutes, dumped it again.
I had to use Beyond Compare to diff the files because RegEdit produces UTF-16 files, which GNU diff deems to be "binary".
Take a look at the [link||report].
Simply put, while I think that what Barry wants is possible, it isn't practical.
Peter [link||Ubuntu Linux] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Home] Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
Post #197,414
3/6/05 8:22:03 PM

What was running while you did that?
I knew it was bad, but holee crap.
Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link||fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats]. [link||]
Post #197,432
3/7/05 1:34:03 AM

Not much
the usual cack in the systray (BOINC client, AV software, etc) and iTunes (which wasn't playing). Nothing else.
Peter [link||Ubuntu Linux] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Home] Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
Post #197,391
3/6/05 2:59:07 PM

Regedit itself can dump into a text file
And what are we doing when the two most powerful nations on earth -- America and Israel -- stomp on the elementary rights of human beings?
-- letter to the editor from W. Ostermeier, Liechtenstein
Post #197,393
3/6/05 3:02:34 PM

I just did that, for curiosity's sake.
On my XP box, the resultant .reg file for the whole schmeer is 62.5MB.
Peter [link||Ubuntu Linux] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Home] Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
Post #197,396
3/6/05 3:32:54 PM

Probably is
I haven't seriously written in Perl for at least 5 years so I don't know about what packages are available. Still, he would have to write the script. Debug the script (probably nobody except you writes code that works perfectly the first time.) Test the script a lot if it is going to be used in a production run. Or if this is infrequent use, he could spend less than a hundred bucks for a program that works rather well, and skip some days work and spend 20 minutes here and there. I like to build custom tools. It isn't always practical, though usually fun. Whatever.