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New Long Live The Desktop Metaphor
I've seen this Scopeware mentioned in articles form time to time, and I never saw any real advantage to its approach. What it seems to do can be done within the desktop metaphor. And it can be done better IMO.

Take something like [link|http://www.be.com/documentation/User's%20Guide/01_basics/Basics05_Finding.html|BeOS Query Folders] and combine it with the list/preview pane layout that most popular email clients use and you'd have a more efficient ([link|http://www.scopeware.com/products/products_whatis.htm|look] at the waste of space in Scopeware) and familiar interface to the same functionality. Plus you could sort by arbitrary attributes; not just chronological order.

Plus its too proprietary.

[Oops. Forgot to add the following]

There is so much more that can still be done with the desktop metaphor. What I want is more folders and more icons.

I want smart folders where I can assign arbitrary actions/programs to events like drop-in, drag-out, and file-changed. Yes, I could write a script that monitors a folder for these events, but I want it as a property of the folder, not a standalone program. I want more folder integration like has been available for Windows since 95 (with a butt-ugly API) and like KDE's IOSlaves.

I want to be able to arbitrarily order the contents of a folder in list view by means other than the available attribute columns.

I want to be able to visually and automatically group icons in a folder (Windows XP does this in some places and the API for the icon view control is available to do the same for other purposes).

I want to be able to drop a document icon onto another document icon and have an action triggered. Think of it as an extension of the ability to drop a document icon on another _open_ document.

I want to add arbitrary searchable attributes to folders and files (BeOS had this. Windows as of 2K is going in that direction I think)

I want drag-and-drop installation/uninstallation/relocation of apps. MacOS had/has this. Hell, DOS had it if you slapped a GUI over it. .NET may be trying to get back there with its talk of no registry mods, manifests, and "xcopy" installs. We shall see.

I want (maybe) to have unamed documents, or have duplicate names in a single folder, as long as there is some other way (ie: other file attributes) to differentiate them.

I want my individual emails to be documents so I can route/move/copy them anywhere.

And I want it now. :)
Chris Altmann
Collapse Edited by altmann Nov. 29, 2001, 04:02:43 PM EST
Long Live The Desktop Metaphor
I've seen this Scopeware mentioned in articles form time to time, and I never saw any real advantage to its approach. What it seems to do can be done within the desktop metaphor. And it can be done better IMO. Take something like BeOS Query Folders and combine it with the list/preview pane layout that most popular email clients use and you'd have a more efficient (look at the waste of space in Scopeware) and familiar interface to the same functionality. Plus you could sort by arbitrary attributes; not just chronological order. Plus its too proprietary.
-- Chris Altmann
New Sounds like you want...
OS/2. The Workplace Shell from what I understand had all that functionality built into it.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
New I think I do...
I gave it a "try" years ago at ver 2.0 but some hardware incompatibility ticked me off and I gave up on it; a little too hastily now that I think of it. Its about time I try it again, so I just ordered a copy of eComStation.
Chris Altmann
New Re: Sounds like you want...
Thats exactly what I was going to say.
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New It's what I've always had since 1994.
     Desktop metaphor is dead? - (acagle) - (13)
         Eh? - (Yendor)
         One interface update I've seen... - (inthane-chan)
         Blah blah yak yak - (wharris2)
         Long Live The Desktop Metaphor - (altmann) - (4)
             Sounds like you want... - (inthane-chan) - (3)
                 I think I do... - (altmann)
                 Re: Sounds like you want... - (bepatient) - (1)
                     It's what I've always had since 1994. -NT - (n3jja)
         Sort by date? Ooh. Special. -NT - (Meerkat) - (2)
             But it needs to be in several dimensions. - (static)
             But, that's the way my desktop IS sorted. - (Andrew Grygus)
         I'm a little suspicious. - (acagle) - (1)
             Words of wisdom - (wharris2)

I usually avoid being a grammar/spelling pedant, but you clearly misspelled “should be shot into the sun.”
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