Nice sleuthing, A.S.
I'm not particularly paranoid about overtly 'tainted' researchers, nor even the (sometimes evident) misrepresentation of their findings -- more often, the imputing of 'safety' as cannot follow from either the nature of the samples or, omission of tests re very many other bodily functions - not examined. Expensive, such tests or even 'tests'.
But look at the material just on DU, here. I admit to slothfulness in not finding the source for "estimated number of new substances introduced into the environment" each year. It's a humongous number. To me, it's not even simplistic reductio to observe what may well be the whimper part of, ..going out with a whimper or a bang?
The Nature of capitalist theology is (of course) Make a Buck by any means possible, until.. enough data accumulates for your particular rushed-into-production device to be Legally Banned. {Dalkon Shield\ufffd, the Thalidomide fuckup [later complexificated by discovery of another area in which there may be redemption for this clever chemical!], the discarded six-pack plastic rings which killed lots of birds, other animals ... ... and so on, from those pathetic Radium-dial brush-licking girls and on to MTBE, a gasoline additive APPROVED though it was KNOWN that it was water soluble!! etc.}
Such is the perspicuity of the 'watchers' taming the entrepreneurs.
It takes Time and lots of dead bodies before even the more egregious situations grind through the process. But there is a common denominator to them all -- and thus, to the very basis of modrin techno- capitalisto- civilization:
(I suspect this simple symbol shall become the stark mathematical footnote in the autopsy of this civilization; it will, natch - take-up far less word-space than descriptions of the religio- politico- pathologies, which will no doubt exponentially magnify the merely log-expanding ticking of this "n-factorial clock of Ignorance?"). The autopsy will not be Televised.
Fact is - we are unwilling to spend (probably incapable of imagining a need to spend) the $/time to 'properly' evaluate the compounded effects of most new substances, especially chemical -- which come into being #1, in order to generate profits, SAP.
(The other 'reasons' - more comfort or leisure or ability to eat crap food with fewer ill effects, etc. - obv are always listed first, but #1 remains 100% the raison d'\ufffdtre for every single large production.)
Just extrapolate the time you spent collecting these refs (of varying substance) on One item, DU - a few million times..
Have a nice century y'all :-)
What me worry?
-- Alfred E. Neumann