Post #197,018
3/3/05 11:42:20 AM

DU is no more dangerous than lead. Basically, do not eat it, that's all.
And what are we doing when the two most powerful nations on earth -- America and Israel -- stomp on the elementary rights of human beings?
-- letter to the editor from W. Ostermeier, Liechtenstein
Post #197,023
3/3/05 12:10:39 PM

When thousands of tons are used and burned it gets in you
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Post #197,047
3/3/05 2:05:57 PM

If you want to worry yourself into a frienzy, I can't stop
you. These things are not harmless, but they are not nearly as harmful as your article makes them look. And the main danger is chemical, not radiological. SOrt of like lead paint chips.
And what are we doing when the two most powerful nations on earth -- America and Israel -- stomp on the elementary rights of human beings?
-- letter to the editor from W. Ostermeier, Liechtenstein
Post #197,037
3/3/05 1:18:16 PM

Exercise critical thinking...
...that's a .mil site you're linking.
Peter [link||Ubuntu Linux] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Home] Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
Post #197,044
3/3/05 1:51:02 PM

Some critical thinking would be nice all the way around.
Neither linked site is very good at doing that. First one is sensationalism (the burning sperm from hell). Second one just glosses over the issues.
Both qualify as dismal propaganda.
Post #197,046
3/3/05 2:01:53 PM

Thank you.
They effectively negate each other. What we have left is a non-issue. Mind you, the .mil site is more careful than the anti-mil.
And what are we doing when the two most powerful nations on earth -- America and Israel -- stomp on the elementary rights of human beings?
-- letter to the editor from W. Ostermeier, Liechtenstein
Post #197,061
3/3/05 4:31:00 PM

Only if those two sources/viewpoints are the only ones extant. The World Health Organization was concerned enough to [link||publish] on the dangers.
As the report goes to neither extreme but merely expresses the opinion that DU is a danger in concentrated doses, I think it may safely be considered a "issue".
----------------------------------------- "In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for. As for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." -- H. L. Mencken
Post #197,115
3/3/05 10:59:29 PM

Ok, not a "radiocative weapon"/genocide
kind of issue. When you see a bombed-out tank, stay away from it. That's the extent of the issue. And may be someone should do some lobbying in our govenment to ensure that the messes are cleaned upon request, the way we clean toxic spills here. At Uncle Sam's expense, obviously.
Land mines killed and maimed thousand more people than DU. I don't see andread screeching about them.
And what are we doing when the two most powerful nations on earth -- America and Israel -- stomp on the elementary rights of human beings?
-- letter to the editor from W. Ostermeier, Liechtenstein
Post #197,139
3/4/05 1:53:41 AM

That's a non-argument, Ark.
Just because Andread isn't complaining about land mines (which, as you rightly observe, are an atrocity) doesn't make his complaints about DU automatically invalid.
Peter [link||Ubuntu Linux] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Home] Use P2P for legitimate purposes!
Post #197,166
3/4/05 7:57:43 AM

It was an afterthought. Other things make his complaints invalid.
And what are we doing when the two most powerful nations on earth -- America and Israel -- stomp on the elementary rights of human beings?
-- letter to the editor from W. Ostermeier, Liechtenstein
Post #197,170
3/4/05 8:37:21 AM

Radon concentrations are bad too.
That doesn't mean that not mitigating when you sell your house is homocidal. (I worked as a mitigator for a while) Will we mitigate the radiological and chemical problems we are causing in Iraq? Unlikely. (and there ARE problems, and it IS bad for you).
Is it genocide? Is using DU like sowing U235 in the fields? Of course not. I wouldn't eat any food grown in a field that was the site of a tank battle using DU rounds, though. I would prefer not to live in a neighborhood that's been contaminated, either. But silly me. I wouldn't live next to a city dump or a Union Carbide plant, either.
] Imric's Tips for Living
- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning, As hopeless as it seems in the middle, Or as finished as it seems in the end.
Post #197,727
3/8/05 8:12:21 PM

how did one get out of the heavy work details in the gulag?
if I remember my reading, smoking filings from a coin would show up as either TB or cancer and a light duty regimen to follow. Now du dust in the lungs, much worse shouldnt you think? thanx, bill
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