I regurgitate your words. Read them in their words. ---oooOOOooo--- (vive la France!) In fact, after careful review, I think you are really not British at all. I believe you to be French. Adieu mon chapeau!
I have composed a short haiku (yeah, sure) for you filled with pimply hyperbole to satiate your juvenile French intellect...
E very day
T urgid rod named Peter (apropo)
M akes an ass of himself in
E very way.
A s is this turd is
S o
S ure that
H is
O pen gob
L aboring
E ndlessly
means something, unaware, stone brick cold lusty excrement signifying nothing... Out out brief candle. C'est la vie, lovey.
HEY PETE! I have also included a hidden message. See if you can find it (you fucking doily poodle)... May you always profit from the fruits of your labia (you damned whore).