My wife treats child victims of abuse. While these kids don't become the next Chester for the most part, they do have a tendancy to do much more poorly in school, have severe emotional problems, and drop out of school. The combination of issues tends to lead them down the path to become the next generation of teen moms, petty crooks, and violent offenders - they may not become child molesters, but they do have a tendancy to act on their sexual urges much more uncontrollably, leading to an increased tendancy towards rape.
The worst part about this is the ones who are most vulnerable are the ones who are getting shafted the worst in Washington state's most recent cycle of budget cuts. The best time to head this stuff off is early on, before they get stuck in a class of behavior, and we're cutting child mental health services something fierce. This just guarantees an increase in the crime rate, and more funding for police services 10 years down the road - something the typical North American potbellied beersucker doesn't seem to grok worth a damn.