. . .
... And, in Colorado, the County Coroner is the only public official with the power to arrest the sheriff.
That is the key to my oft uttered wisdom in re: Politics is the art of controlling your environment. Indeed. Never forget it, or you will become a Victim of your environment. Rich nerds and lawyers will stomp all over you worse than any A-rab, and you will be like the eight-ball on some country-club billiards table near Atlanta -- whack, over and out. No more humor.
And so much for that, eh? Jews don't play pool anywy, and neither do A-rabs. They are tribal people, which means they are primitive thinkers. They feel a genetic imperative to kill each other, and it tends to get in their way. . . . Or maybe that brutal compulsion comes from the Holy Bible, which is definitely true. The Bible is unforgiving. There is not a scintilla of mercy or humor in the Holy Bible. None.
Think on it, Bubba. Point me to some laughs, or even a goddamn chuckle in that book.
People frequently ask me if I believe in God, as if it were some kind of final judgment or naked indicator of my pro or con value in this world. Ho ho. This is too stupid to even think about -- like a WHITES ONLY sign on the pearly gates of Heaven.
But not really. Don't get me wrong, fellas. That is only a whooped-up "figure of speech" or maybe a failed metphor. It is a term of Art, not a term of Law. If the freak who wrote the Book of Revelation had been busted and jailed for the horrible threats he made against the whole human race, he would have been executed on the spot by a Military Tribunal. So long, Johnny, we never really liked you anyway. Mahalo.
\ufffdQuien sabe?
Perhaps the prospect of watching the reruns of the Rapturin Out folks, orchestrated by the nukular Prez .. was as toxic as that medical death sentence; I mean.. who among us can fathom the effects upon a writer, of the now certain prospect of Another Four Years of language murder by a smirking chimp (+ the bathos of hand-wringing Left Their Behinds folk)
B-o-o-r-i-n-g perhaps unto death?