Well auld son, here is some interesting schtuff from our old friend Justin
quote**** The answer: a man called "Jeff Gannon."
Amid the media frenzy over Gannon's journalistic bona fides, or lack of them \ufffd and the lurid speculation going on in the left lane of the blogosphere about how a purported male hooker got admitted to White House press briefings before his "Talon News Agency" (a front group created by "GOPUSA") was even created \ufffd one has to ask: who cares?
Answer: Patrick J. Fitzgerald, for one, the chief prosecutor in an investigation that could rope in several high-ranking administration officials and even lead to the White House itself. And those of us who have been awaiting the come-uppance of this White House, for two, and are ready to get out the popcorn and the chips-and-dip and settle down for a nice long juicy scandal.***end quote
source [link|http://antiwar.com/justin/|http://antiwar.com/justin/]
well he got cred before he had an org, hmm not even the Clinton's would stand for that unless he was a paid flack
link to marlowes schtuff fucking new marlowe at blogspot.com :-)