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New The problem isn't that Gannon (or whomever)
is particular partisan (hell, name a reporter who isn't.)

The problem that I have with right-wing idiots defending Gannon is that they ignore that Gannon had access to documents that revealed the identity of Plame.

Karl Frisch, a spokesman for Ms. Slaughter, said: "This is a guy who could not get credentialed by the House or the Senate press galleries, and yet managed to get into the White House and question the president" and have access to a top-secret document.
[link|http://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/11/politics/11gannon.html?| Source ]

Makes you wonder what other top secret documents are floating about to whomever.

New Potential problems here
I actually see several potential problems with Gannon.

1. Does Gannon actually qualify as a reporter? As far as I have seen, Gannon did not report on anything, even the questions he asked himself. Can you imagine a real reporter asking a question at a White House press conference and then not mentioning it? As far as I have seen every item on the Talon news site was nothing but a GOP press clip.

2. Did the White House know or have involvement in getting Gannon his pass? It would be very hard for a nobody like Gannon to consistantly get a press pass, yet Gannon got one day in and day out. There is also some question of the Gannon name here, Gannon had to use his real name to get the press pass. But the people calling on Gannon always used the 'Jeff Gannon' name.

And note that this doesn't require that the White House helped plant him. It would be enough that the Press Secretary had been told that Gannon was a sure thing friendly question.

3. Gannon seemed to have some interesting information and knew what questions to ask the White House. Somebody had to be feeding him this stuff, who was it?

4. Who ever actually paid Gannon had to have an idea what was going on. And it seems he was paid by a GOP lobbying group. Even if the White House was not involved, just how far up the GOP was the known?

     "Jeff Gannon" deconstructs the press corps - (marlowe) - (8)
         Cheeky twat. - (pwhysall)
         The problem isn't that Gannon (or whomever) - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
             Potential problems here - (JayMehaffey)
         well I left a comment for you there, - (daemon)
         marlowe and events - (rcareaga)
         update on the Gannon piece - (daemon)
         And Mo Dowd checks in - (tuberculosis)
         Along with Frank Rich of NYT - (tuberculosis)

31 ms