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New Hey, publication bans happen all the time in the US too
The point being that they're temporary, not permanent. It's very unusual for them to be made permanent, with the exception of sexual abuse cases involving minors (or indeed any case involving minors). However, during a trial sometimes things are banned from publication until after a jury reaches a verdict to avoid polluting a jury.

Afterwards, the entire transcript will be published, and anybody who cares to can go down to the courthouse and read it. The cases you heard about were almost universally because the newspapers in question didn't want to have to wait.
--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton                            jake at consultron.ca *\n* [link|http://consultron.ca|http://consultron.ca]                   [link|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada               [link|news://news.consultron.ca|news://news.consultron.ca] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
New They do? Examples, please.
As I understand it, a judge can decide whether or not to permit reporters in the court, and can try to get reporters to agree to specific conditions. However judges can't tell reporters that they cannot tell people about a case, and cannot keep reporters who happen to hear details from reporting them.

By contrast in Canada judges may say that they don't want something reported, and nobody is allowed to report it. Period.

Furthermore my impression of how common permanent publication bans are is different from yours. Specifically I understand that it is rare for an entire case to not be reportable (excepting cases involving minors - and there are lots of those), but fairly frequently a small portion of a case is permanently banned (eg testimony from family members about how much grief they went through, which doesn't affect whether the verdict is guilty, but may affect sentencing).

I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
     Send a white feather to Jonah Goldberg - (tuberculosis) - (53)
         He can forward it onto Marlowe when he's done with it. -NT - (pwhysall) - (52)
             Perhaps we should start responding to all his posts - (tuberculosis) - (51)
                 I like it. - (imric) - (50)
                     Actually, if he keeps doing the drive-bys... - (inthane-chan) - (49)
                         ObAOL. - (pwhysall)
                         Works for me -NT - (tuberculosis)
                         Thirded -NT - (Silverlock)
                         Are you all crazy? - (Arkadiy) - (32)
                             He's interested in one thing: pagerank. - (pwhysall) - (23)
                                 not done in every post - (SpiceWare) - (22)
                                     Ah, but is the point of your post... - (inthane-chan) - (21)
                                         It's hard to read motives. - (Another Scott) - (20)
                                             What A.S. said - (rcareaga) - (2)
                                                 I concur with Rcareaga - (Nightowl) - (1)
                                                     It's not about the *going*... - (pwhysall)
                                             I am not in favor of discipline as proposed. - (Andrew Grygus) - (16)
                                                 Actually... - (pwhysall) - (15)
                                                     Ah, right - (ben_tilly) - (14)
                                                         Don't be smarmy. - (pwhysall) - (13)
                                                             I said "even in theory" - (ben_tilly) - (10)
                                                                 No it's not - (jake123) - (9)
                                                                     I left in the 90's - (ben_tilly) - (2)
                                                                         Hey, publication bans happen all the time in the US too - (jake123) - (1)
                                                                             They do? Examples, please. - (ben_tilly)
                                                                     Another amusing point about the charter - (ben_tilly) - (5)
                                                                         God is undefined in the charter -NT - (jake123) - (4)
                                                                             ...unless declared integer :-) -NT - (pwhysall) - (3)
                                                                                 I always figured she was a float(er). -NT - (jake123) - (2)
                                                                                     No, gotta be something with arbitrary precision... -NT - (admin) - (1)
                                                                                         Floaters are arbitrary - (jake123)
                                                             Oh please - (Arkadiy) - (1)
                                                                 No they're not. - (jake123)
                             What Peter said. - (inthane-chan)
                             You think his posts are really more than flamebait? -NT - (Silverlock) - (4)
                                 It may be a flamebait - (Arkadiy) - (3)
                                     Key point: - (pwhysall) - (2)
                                         So he prefers to keep his thoughts in his own place - (Arkadiy) - (1)
                                             I agree there too - (Nightowl)
                             Also. - (pwhysall) - (1)
                                 Hrmm - (jb4)
                         If he repeats the link only bit - (JayMehaffey)
                         completely disagree!! - (daemon)
                         Dude, the debate's over. All wrapped up November 2. - (marlowe) - (10)
                             Spoken like a true authoritarian. -NT - (jake123) - (9)
                                 If democracy is authoritarianism, then yes. - (marlowe) - (8)
                                     The way you practice it, it is.... -NT - (jb4) - (2)
                                         Practise makes perfect. - (marlowe) - (1)
                                             And it really WOULD be easier if it were a dictatorship - (jb4)
                                     I do not think that word means what you think it means -NT - (tuberculosis) - (4)
                                         ..and a passel of other words. -NT - (Ashton) - (3)
                                             He only misinterprets 800,000 (or so) English words. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (2)
                                                 Wow! you do him a lot of credit - (hnick) - (1)
                                                     That's what used to be called the Oxford Abridged, IIRC - (jake123)

Now listen closely, for here the plot does twist.
113 ms