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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New That's true about lots of things...
OTOH people have also been known to comment that size matters.

I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
New yep, a good big man will always beat a good little man
I love her dearly, far beyond any creature I've ever known, and I can prove it, for never once in almost seventy years of married life have I taken her by the throat. Mind you, it's been a near thing once or twice.
George Macdonald Frasier
Clearwater highschool marching band [link|http://www.chstornadoband.org/|http://www.chstornadoband.org/]
     Introduction - (ubernostrum) - (24)
         No shortage of arguments around here - (tjsinclair) - (13)
             Threats of it though. -NT - (folkert)
             You may get thrown in the pool, however. -NT - (admin) - (8)
                 YOU may :-) -NT - (daemon) - (7)
                     No doubt about that. - (admin) - (6)
                         its not the size that matters, its the action - (daemon) - (5)
                             As I said, I'm a Bear of Little Fu. -NT - (admin)
                             That's true about lots of things... - (ben_tilly) - (1)
                                 yep, a good big man will always beat a good little man -NT - (daemon)
                             Makes him look like folkert? What's he made of, antimatter? -NT - (drewk) - (1)
                                 Fuken chinese, shaolin monk -NT - (daemon)
             Yes there is -NT - (tuberculosis) - (1)
                 I'm sorry you haven't paid for your 5 minutes! -NT - (folkert)
             You'll get your chance at the BeeP Bash... - (jb4)
         Roanoke? Any nix admin gigs there? - (daemon) - (1)
             Re: Roanoke? Any nix admin gigs there? - (ubernostrum)
         He's picky - (Yendor) - (3)
             I hear tell he likes Coors -NT - (ChrisR) - (1)
                 only if someone else brings it. - (bepatient)
             Re: he doesn't drink American pisswater - (lincoln)
         Welcome, and you may have your chance - (ben_tilly) - (2)
             ICLRPD - (jb4) - (1)
                 Re: ICLRPD (new thread) - (jb4)
         ICLRPD (new thread) - (Arkadiy)

53 ms