Suppose, for the sake of discussion, that crusader bunnypants really believes that the world will be a better place with his buddies (all completely trustworthy, in his eyes) running the whole show.
Maybe its my built-in distrust of big-time capitalists. But I just cannot imagine that any dyed-in-the-wool capitalist ever thinks about "everybody" except to ponder the extent to which they can be exploited.
I, too, am leary of anyone claiming moral superiority. It's just I can still remember the first utterance from the prof of my macro-Econ class as a freshman. He, a dyed-in-the-wool capitalist, said, "Capitalism is built upon self interest. It depends on the uneven distribution in wealth and the individual's drive to have more. That is why it works. That is why no other system ever will." (That's very close to literal). I remember being disgusted with that sentiment. And I am still.