One more thing...
after looking more closely, I realize now that my pet java guy was a bit of a wuss. The Jsch classes have no inherent swing/AWT components, but some interfaces to be implemented, which, in the examples, they do using swing/AWT. Rather than use the Jsch classes directly, he tried to make the examples work, the scp example being the easiest to do (thus harcoding). If only we knew about JNI back then, I could have done them all with RPG procedures, I'm thinking.
In short, he took the easiest way, he didn't want to do all that work (3 interfaces, this far, all with primitive data types and primitive parameter types - easy peasy, the rest is presentation/flash/bells/whistles...)
That's a thing I notice with SOME of these code-generator using types - don't like to get their hands dirty typing actual code :(. The JSCH classes are really all you need, I think. Now they come with ssh key generators too, and you can store the keys in a RDB (like DB2, for example) as characters. But the real trick is to implement the interfaces.