But other than the fact that every detail sucks, the general idea is workable.
If you want a better calculation, then I'd suggest using Haversine's formula (faster for computers to calculate, more numerically stable):
\ndlon = lon2 - lon1\ndlat = lat2 - lat1\na = (sin(dlat/2))^2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * (sin(dlon/2))^2\nc = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a))\nd = R * c\n
where R should be the radius of the earth, aka 3,959 miles (on average - it varies). You can find a derivation at [link|http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/51879.html|http://mathforum.org...h/view/51879.html].
Also given how many services (Google, mapquest, etc) do accurate geocoding, I'd suggest that today the zip code approximation is not good enough. Sure, use it as a fallback. But go negotiate a contract with someone like mapquest allowing you to geocode lots of addresses. I don't know what it costs, but I don't think it is that much. And take your program and add an artificial limit, such as "closest 3 within 20 miles". (Or reorganize it about that limit) Who's going to drive more than that just to get to a dealer? That limit will let you use a "bounding box" of latitude/longitude combinations allowing you to significantly reduce how many dealers you have to do the expensive calculation for.
Have I explained my response sufficiently? The idea works. The approach is inefficient. The code is crap.