The professor singled out beach resorts as places of sexual sin.At least for Thailand -- which AFAIK is far and away the no. 1 sex-tourism target among the afflicted countries, probably dwarfing the rest of them combined(+) in this sorry statistic -- it's exactly the other way around: The fleshpots where horny European paedophiles buy young Asian boys and girls are in Bangkok, the inland capital that wasn't hit by the tsunami. The beach resorts that were hit, are mainly frequented by families with children; the only "fornication and sexual perversion" going on there usually being between Mom and Dad.
[Edit? What edit?]
(*): Whcih I'm actually not going to even bother to read. Stop linking to the fucking worldnetdailynews, man, and start using a real news source, ferchrissake!
(+): Hi, BeeP! :-)