Need a bit more information to guesstimate the intent of that attack. Agree with the comments in links re US antipathy towards the network:

Whether al-J. is perfectly unbiased? (Hah - like all Our Networks??) or slanted a bit against: fact is they have indeed transmitted US rebuttals - more than lip-service IMhO to their aiming for some 'diversity of opinion', as is their claim.

To the extent US folk decry their existence: that's dumbth, if it stems from the usual ignorance - hypocrisy if it is because they present opposing opinions to ours [at all]. We do that periodically - and it is always execrable when we do. But we also do that at home; you have to be hypocrites to call a Corporate-purchased government, 'freely elected'.

As for this attack: too soon to tell if it was intentional IMO.
