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Very poor media management on the part of the US government.

It's probably cost them more than that in face.

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     Is the US being stingy with aid to Tsunami victims? - (bluke) - (61)
         Japan and EU are gioving less than US at the moment - (Arkadiy) - (28)
             $10.66M+ to ARCDR on Amazon. -NT - (Another Scott)
             Think of it relative to our wealth - (xtensive) - (22)
                 Look at it from the point of veiw of work that needs doing - (Arkadiy)
                 As opposed to the lack of wealth in EU? - (bepatient) - (20)
                     "by huge multiples"??? Proctomathology, again? - (CRConrad) - (19)
                         Re: "by huge multiples"??? Proctomathology, again? - (bepatient) - (18)
                             As I thought: No proof. - (CRConrad) - (17)
                                 couple of points - (daemon) - (9)
                                     Canadian gov has given 40 million CDN so far - (jake123) - (7)
                                         Jake the canucks per capita give more than any other - (daemon) - (6)
                                             You're frigging well wrong, so shaddappayoface. - (CRConrad) - (4)
                                                 :-D - (pwhysall) - (2)
                                                     I'm doing my part to make up for Bush. - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                                                         Holy HECK, man... Kudos, big ones. -NT - (CRConrad)
                                                 so the EU has given 780 million ..l.. pointed right at ya -NT - (daemon)
                                             No we don't actually - (jake123)
                                     You got one thing right: where the point is at. - (CRConrad)
                                 OECD - (bepatient) - (5)
                                     "OECD - Look it up"? Sure; what, where? - (CRConrad) - (4)
                                         The $35 mln figure is days old. - (Arkadiy) - (2)
                                             And it will get larger... - (bepatient) - (1)
                                                 amen -NT - (SpiceWare)
                                         Do you have a reference for that? - (ben_tilly)
                                 For the record - (Arkadiy)
             But at the time of the comment, the US only promised $15.... - (Simon_Jester)
             But the govt *is* the public ... innit? -NT - (drewk) - (2)
                 Gah, what a Soviet thing to say. Party and People Are United -NT - (Arkadiy) - (1)
                     Oops, forgot about that - (drewk)
         well apparently Egelander - (daemon)
         NY Times: Are We Stingy? Yes - (bluke)
         UK = $96M, US = $35M as at 31/12/04 00:22 GMT - (pwhysall)
         American contribution hiked to $350M as at 21:19 31/12/2004 -NT - (pwhysall) - (2)
             Now we're talking. -NT - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                 Much better, no? - (pwhysall)
         Japanese pledge $500M. -NT - (pwhysall)
         This whole tit for tat is mostly futile - (scoenye)
         Those darned stingy Americans - (bepatient) - (3)
             Or 20 ;0) -NT - (mmoffitt)
             No need for petulance - (Ashton)
             chuckle... - (Simon_Jester)
         WTH? - (mmoffitt) - (19)
             Ha! -NT - (Another Scott)
             The opposites attract - (Arkadiy) - (17)
                 The. Ayn. Rand. Institute. !.?.!. - (Ashton) - (16)
                     It's a point, Ash. - (imric) - (15)
                         Really? - (Another Scott) - (8)
                             specific purposes are described in the constitution - (daemon) - (7)
                                 Maybe I'm dense. I don't see it in Article 1, Section 8. - (Another Scott) - (6)
                                     look further up :-) - (daemon) - (2)
                                         We're talking about slightly different things. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                             reason for that - (daemon)
                                     And Tsunami relief is what part of - (imric) - (2)
                                         the same reason gunboats went up the yellow river - (daemon)
                                         Methinks you goofed. - (jb4)
                         Blah...strict constitutionalists - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                             *grin* Another point. -NT - (imric)
                         So you'd rather Halliburton get it than the tsunami victims? -NT - (mmoffitt) - (3)
                             naw, raytheon, what are the vics gonna spend it on, food? -NT - (daemon)
                             *sigh* All I said was that he had a point re: - (imric)
                             Well, he says that Govt has no right to spend taxes - (Arkadiy)

Mmmmm. Bacteria injections.
117 ms