Indonesia, India, and Sri Lanka saw repeated tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean and didn't pay attention to the fact that it could happen there. So they suffered major loss of life.
What you're saying is for us to notice, "Hey, that kind of disaster sucks, it can happen here, let's do something about it!" is trivializing what happened there.
That's stupid.
This is not a mountains to molehills comparison. The earthquake waiting off of the coast in the Pacific Northwest is as big or bigger than the one that let go in Thailand. When it last let go in 1700 there was catastrophic (according to the size of populations around then) loss of life both locally and internationally. (Japan in particular has excellent records of the disaster.) There are a lot more people present now, and the expected loss of life is correspondingly higher the next time round. If the expected loss of life is lower than with this tsunami, that is because population densities are not as high as in places like Sri Lanka.
You appear to be saying that we shouldn't try to do anything about this. I'm not entirely sure what your reasoning is. I'm not entirely sure that you have any real reasoning for that.