Post #187,023
12/14/04 8:16:48 PM

hold the phone...
...Jessica, welcome!
We've got it working over here.
However, you might want to hold off on any further work on this as IBM is expected to officially offer SSH on the iSeries by the end of the month. Keep an eye on the iSeries portion of IBM's Web site for updates. IBM is well aware that there is broad demand for SSH on the iSeries. I personally participated in a conference call with IBM on this issue (but, I do not work for or represent IBM in any way).
Best, Slugbug
Post #187,124
12/15/04 3:16:42 PM

Re: hold the phone...
Oh Slugbug, my hero! If they will have an official port that is wonderful news. Not that I don't want to continue to work on this just out of sheer curiosity now. :)
Any tips?
Post #187,138
12/15/04 5:51:44 PM

out of curiosity
try the aix port of zlib and see if that helps. regards, daemon
that way too many Iraqis conceived of free society as little more than a mosh pit with grenades. ANDISHEH NOURAEE clearwater highschool marching band [link||]
Post #189,292
1/7/05 9:18:56 AM
1/7/05 2:21:30 PM

Re: hold the phone...
Hate to ruin the party, but I just phoned tech support and the last memo in late december 2004 is 'no'. Why? I guess so they can sell more Linux boxes, so that they can pimp the LPAR technology harder, etc.
see also
Having said that I also asked about porting openSSH - answer thus far is that it's not supported, and you have to port opnSSL first or you don't have a prayer.
AT my shop things took some interesting twists-
first we took a java-based ssh suite from, and had one of the pet java guys build it from source. It compiled okay, but hung seemingly inxplicably on the send. This was because we had no SSH key, and a window-type method was used to get a passphrase. USELESS for batch! So we instead replaced that method with one that passed back a hard coded password. It worked, but we had to recode every 3 months. Better solutions could have been done, but the pet java guy got pulled. I was thinking passing the password as a parm or maybe using database to store, or even genning the key elsewhere and storing it in the IFS. These required more hours than anyone wanted to commit.
A commercial vendor offered some AS400 SSH port, but when I contacted them, they said they'd withdrawn that as too difficult. Last I heard, they're offering again.
Instead I had ops configure a tiny Linux partition (free for us, LPAR capability is a hardware upgrade we got for some other reason), NFS-mounted a subtree of the IFS, and used RUNRMTCMD to run sftp scripts from the partition, sending data from beneath the mount point.
It works 80 - 90 % of the time, but...
Sometimes the Linux partition hangs, ie stops responding (although sometimes it pings). Obvious solution is to retry which sometimes works, but it is not optimal.
I am convinced the sourceforge solution is the best way to go, BUT the effort must be made to isolate the methods/classes that do GUI for some strange reason (sftp client, for example, runs a gui to do the actual send, just so ou can see a progress bar - oh brother) and replace with status messages, or display files if absolutely neccessary (for automation, I don't think so). Ther fact that an SSH key can be stored on NFS-mounted AS/400 storage and be used succesfulyl tells me it will probably work with the ported scenario.
Perhaps this is something we can do as a team...
In the meantime, I am in the process of getting java-certified on my own, come the time (call it 6 months), and as lead AS/400 developer in dundee, I'm not going to stop myself using Java on the I-series ;)...
So it is possible, it dfoes not have to be painful, it will come.
Here is java app in question:
Looks like it's been upgraded since I tried it 2 years ago. I reckon a team of 4 chipping away for 4 months if that could pull it off if we did it outside the companies we work for. It would require a AS/400 (free time share is out there I hear) and a Linux box to test against. Plus some SSH network types to do the key synching.
What say you people?

Edited by djelimon
Jan. 7, 2005, 10:27:09 AM EST

Edited by djelimon
Jan. 7, 2005, 02:21:30 PM EST
Post #189,360
1/7/05 8:46:07 PM

Re: hold the phone...
...after checking in on the date for this....looks like a brief delay. Current tentative schedule is for February '05....still coming though supposedly.
HTH, Slugbug
Post #189,382
1/8/05 1:27:10 AM

Re: hold the phone...
Well, I hope you're correct.
The support guy said someone would be calling me back, even after the policy statement. Maybe a flag on the question?
Just for fun though, I think I'm going to look at the other thing in my wee hours.
Ta for the update
Post #189,519
1/9/05 7:58:45 PM
1/9/05 9:15:40 PM

Re: hold the phone...
One more thing...
after looking more closely, I realize now that my pet java guy was a bit of a wuss. The Jsch classes have no inherent swing/AWT components, but some interfaces to be implemented, which, in the examples, they do using swing/AWT. Rather than use the Jsch classes directly, he tried to make the examples work, the scp example being the easiest to do (thus harcoding). If only we knew about JNI back then, I could have done them all with RPG procedures, I'm thinking.
In short, he took the easiest way, he didn't want to do all that work (3 interfaces, this far, all with primitive data types and primitive parameter types - easy peasy, the rest is presentation/flash/bells/whistles...)
That's a thing I notice with SOME of these code-generator using types - don't like to get their hands dirty typing actual code :(. The JSCH classes are really all you need, I think. Now they come with ssh key generators too, and you can store the keys in a RDB (like DB2, for example) as characters. But the real trick is to implement the interfaces.
The biggest obstacle to AS/400 ascendancy? Not Bill Gates. Not the open source movement. Just IBM.

Edited by djelimon
Jan. 9, 2005, 08:35:24 PM EST

Edited by djelimon
Jan. 9, 2005, 08:35:42 PM EST

Edited by djelimon
Jan. 9, 2005, 09:15:40 PM EST
Post #189,533
1/9/05 9:50:22 PM

OT: I like your .sig!
] Imric's Tips for Living
- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning, As hopeless as it seems in the middle, Or as finished as it seems in the end.
Post #189,661
1/10/05 8:39:15 PM

OT: Yes, I too like your .sig
Post #189,696
1/10/05 10:34:32 PM

it's been said before
[link||Why REXX Died] Notes:
- "MFC" refers to Michael F. Cowlishaw, an IBM Fellow
- "VM/SP" is Virtual Machine / System Product, a mainframe operating system
- "SAA" is Systems Application Architecture, a set of design standards
- "OS/2" is,..., you know what OS/2 is
- "HLL" is High Level Language, ah, you probably knew that too
- "SHARE" and "GUIDE" are user groups, they used to be separate, but now there's just [link||SHARE]
Have fun, Carl Forde
Post #189,698
1/10/05 10:42:50 PM

problem was sales
here is your solution as400 now what application do you want to build? here is 300 software solutions that solve your immediate problem, which platform does the one closest to your needs run on? regards, daemon
that way too many Iraqis conceived of free society as little more than a mosh pit with grenades. ANDISHEH NOURAEE clearwater highschool marching band [link||]
Post #189,708
1/10/05 11:08:37 PM

I had to make a choice about a year ago
Needed to code a bit on our mainframe. Language choices included REX, PL/I, COBOL, SAS, or QuickJob. REX was nicer than the others, but no VSAM file access, plus no local people who knew it. I ended up coding in PL/I.
Post #191,996
1/27/05 2:40:23 PM

Re: hold the phone...
The upcomming official support is only for i5/OS. Users running on 'old' hardware or R520 and R510, will have to use openssl.