Post #186,628
12/9/04 5:35:48 PM
Beer has been around for 3,000 to 4,000 years. There's proof that the ancient Egyptians were making beer when they were building the pyramids.
lincoln "Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||contact me]
Post #186,629
12/9/04 5:38:20 PM
What, so you think they didn't have agriculture?!?
Post #186,630
12/9/04 5:41:31 PM
I didn't imply that at all
without agriculture, they wouldn't have have wheat or barley, ingrediants for beer as we know it. I was reply to his "before beer" statement.
lincoln "Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||contact me]
Post #186,631
12/9/04 5:44:10 PM
"all the way back to the stone age."
The Egyptians, Neolithic? *grin*
Imric's Tips for Living
- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning, As hopeless as it seems in the middle, Or as finished as it seems in the end.
Post #186,632
12/9/04 5:46:14 PM
He just has no sense of history
He's from Texas, what do you expect?
Cheers, Ben
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
Post #186,634
12/9/04 5:50:39 PM
I'm NOT FROM Texas; I just happen to live there right now.
lincoln "Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||contact me]
Post #186,640
12/9/04 6:12:30 PM
Develop a skin
What I said was not insulting. Nor is it particularly wrong - right now I'll answer to "from Santa Monica" even though I've been here less than 2 years. Especially so if I think that the person that I'm talking to might not realize that I grew up elsewhere. (I have no clue where you are from, I just know that you live in Texas.)
As for my comment about history, you mixed up 3,000 years ago and 30,000 years ago. After a whopper like that, you have to expect some light-hearted teasing. If you can't take it, then it is time to step away from the computer and take a break.
Regards, Ben
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
Post #186,643
12/9/04 6:26:46 PM
then develop a brain
what you said IS insulting to me. And if you had 1/100 of a brain you'd know that I'm one of the rarest of insulters to others on this board. But that fact never found a landing spot on your arrogant ass. My skin is tough enough, putting up with dickheads like you in HR and IT departments day after day who are preventing me from supporting my family.
Someone said "medieval" then someone said "before beer". Beer existed at least 3000 years before the medieval period, a fact to which I explained previously. Guess you're tto much of a pompous pile of bloody shit to have caught that.
Why don't you back away from the computer and this community for a week or two; let decent human beings remained uncontaminated from your arrogance. At least give us a break from your intentional twisting of other people's words.
lincoln "Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||contact me]
Post #186,645
12/9/04 6:41:00 PM
Chill out.
Sorry, Lincoln, but you have one of the thinnest skins here. This may not be obvious to you, but it's obvious to anyone who has watched you blow up like this repeatedly. Yes, you're stressed from your employment problems. Don't take it out on people here, please.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #186,646
12/9/04 6:44:40 PM
When they're the ones who push my buttons
they will get the appropriate response. My skin is thick enough, but there are limits to my acceptance of arrogance and put downs. Sounds like you'd rather I not defend myself and just allow being dumped on. I thought you were a better person than that.
To try to avoid responsibility by saying things like "it's only light hearted joshing" is all too typical of a certain poster.
lincoln "Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||contact me]
Post #186,648
12/9/04 6:53:51 PM
Actually, linc, if he were to be insulting,...
...he'd have called you a "Texan", or better (actually worse), a "Tejano". There are Texans, and there are People from Texas. Texans/Tejanos are the arrogant, insufferable boors that readily and happily assume the stereotype as their raison d'\ufffdtre. You find Tejanos all over the world (even in the White House, but I digress...). People from Texas, on the other hand,just happen to have the current misfortune of living in The World's Largest Hole In The Ground. People from Texas generally agree that Texas is "a nice place to be from...".
So take a deep breath, and admire the subtleties.
jb4 shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating the facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT
Post #186,654
12/9/04 7:26:14 PM
If I pushed your buttons, it was ENTIRELY by accident.
I certainly did not intend to do so, nor did I expect you to become so upset.
If I had any idea that you were likely to react as you have, I'd have chosen a very different response.
Regards, Ben
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
Post #186,829
12/12/04 8:09:49 PM
having met lincoln I think you could have
called him a low rent cocksucker and he wouldnt mind as much as being called texan. Of course how the heck are you to know that? regards, daemon
that way too many Iraqis conceived of free society as little more than a mosh pit with grenades. ANDISHEH NOURAEE clearwater highschool marching band [link||]
Post #186,922
12/13/04 6:05:34 PM
situation closed
per our emails.
lincoln "Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||contact me]
Post #186,987
12/14/04 2:08:18 PM
I'm offering Ben_Tilly a public apology for unloading on him with both barrels, when he had no clue as to why I did that until well after the fact. I'm sorry for that act, and I apologize.
lincoln "Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||contact me]
Post #186,999
12/14/04 4:20:32 PM
Unnecessary, but thank you
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
Post #186,656
12/9/04 7:38:23 PM
Re: When they're the ones who push my buttons
My skin is thick enough, but there are limits to my acceptance of arrogance and put downs. Sounds like you'd rather I not defend myself and just allow being dumped on. What you consider to be arrogance and put downs has a distinctly lower bar than that of most people. I will point out that what Ben said was pretty innocuous, but you responded with a hearty FUCK YOU ASSHOLE. Your responses are typically far out of proportion to whatever provocation triggered them. I thought you were a better person than that. One of the less insulting people here, indeed. Carry on, I don't really care, other than the four-letter words in all caps in a subject line - you can stop that rude behavior any time, buddy. I just thought you might benefit from a more objective point of view. One final point: you don't know Ben very well at all if you think he's arrogant. Especially if you think he's stupid or a "dickhead".
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #186,653
12/9/04 7:22:30 PM
Reality check
The question is not how often you deal insults, it is how prone you are to take them where none should be read.
As for the factual question, you claim that Someone said "medieval" then someone said "before beer". Beer existed at least 3000 years before the medieval period, a fact to which I explained previously. Guess you're tto much of a pompous pile of bloody shit to have caught that.
But that isn't what happened. In fact [link||someone] [link||said] "paleo-diet", then [link||someone] [link||said] "before beer", then you explained that beer has been around 3-4000 years. This was followed by a back and forth between various people pointing out to you (with varying degrees of directness) that the Egyptians came after the Paleolithic period (which was 2 million BC to 10,000 BC or so), and posts where you Obviously Still Didn't Get It.
Perhaps you responded to one part of the conversation while thinking it was another? And then never double-checked?
In any case I believe that if you re-read the whole exchange carefully, you'll see that nothing I did really justifies your outrage.
Regards, Ben
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
Post #186,647
12/9/04 6:50:55 PM
Hey, I'm from Texas....
...and I do have a sense of History - it first appeared somewhere about the time of Santa Anna and the siege on the Alamo. :-)