On booting the Xandros Setup CD I tried to Repair the existing Xandros installation. It claimed to fix things, but all it seemed to do was reset LILO. It still booted to a black screen (though did give a graphics mode shutdown message when I pressed CAD).

I booted the Xandros Setup CD and then reinstalled Xandros. It was uneventful and kept my previous settings for many things. But since I didn't install LILO in the MBR, on booting Xandros after the install LILO wasn't happy: LI 01 01 01 01 ...

I booted the ProMEPIS CD and reinstalled Grub in the MBR and then copied my modified menu.lst to allow booting of Xandros again. No problems.

On doing the update from Xandros's site, it claimed it needed 120+ MB of stuff, but I don't know how much was actually installed. (It said the updates would take 5+ MB of space.) I think the download was better than 200 kB/s over my 802.11b/cable connection, so it was reasonably quick.

So, I'm up and running with Xandros and ProMEPIS. I don't think I'll update Mozilla from 1.4 on Xandros as I don't want a repeat of [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=177480|this] problem.
