Post #182,687
11/3/04 11:11:11 PM
by all means
Inquiring and enquiring minds wanna know the rationales behind the lineup.
Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
Post #182,705
11/4/04 12:12:31 AM
Here's how I see it:
President: drewk He quite often sees the heart of the problem and can explain his views clearly and succinctly. He rarely, if ever, loses his head in a discussion here. He had interesting ideas about how to reform the tax code (increase the standard deduction to ~$30k so half of the population would not have to pay income tax).
Vice President: rcareaga He is articulate, very well read, has wide ranging interests and talents, and has a great deal of political experience. He can apply the rapier to ideas he thinks are rubbish - something that might be impolitic for a president to do. He's someone who appreciates complements but does not seek the limelight for himself.
Secretary of State: ToddBlanchard He has a wide life experience, achieved great success in a field outside his training, understands the promise and problems of America. He's articulate, passionate, and will stand up for his beliefs.
Secretary of Defense: gfolkert Military experience, experience with making things work in large bureaucracies, able to butt heads with anyone to get the job done.
Secretary of Education: admin Experience with the problems of the US educational system in serving the educational needs of children. Able to look outside the public schools to find solutions. Able to take initiative to develop his own curiculum and modify it to meet the real-world needs of students. Not dogmatic, not a prisoner of the US educational establishment. Shows excellent judgement.
Secretary of Transportation: mmoffitt Sees the promise of aviation in the US, its problems, and has hands-on experience with other transportation problems. Sees the value in government programs that can't effectively be done by the private sector.
Secretary of Labor: jb4 A firebrand who is not afraid to speak up for his beliefs. Knows the importance of workers in our society.
Secretary of the Treasury: ben_tilly A keen intellect who knows that TANSTAAFL. Able to explain complicated subjects with great clarity. Someone who can look into the future and present ideas on how to make the future better. Personal experience with the financial markets.
Secretary of HUD: FuManChu Personal experience with developing programs to help the homeless and those who have insufficient housing. Understands the importance of good management in achieving goals. Thinks clearly about problems and works hard to develop efficient solutions.
Secretary of Commerce: bepatient Wide ranging experience in commerce. A good understanding of economics and the inter-relatedness of world economies. Able to defend policies that may be unpopular with many if he believes they are important to enact.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs: deSitter A passionate defender of the soldier. Understands the importance of good medical care for the injured and for those who have served us in the armed forces. Someone who understands a great deal of history and who is able to explain lessons from past conflicts.
Secretary of Energy: jake123 Someone who has a wide range of interests, who is young and who looks to the future. Someone who carefully considers the options available and who is able to understand that long-term investments are necessary for many new ideas to succeed.
Secretary of the Interior: Arkadiy An articulate person who is a passionate defender of the idea of America.
Attorney General: Brandioch An articulate defender of logic and the rights of the individual. National Security Adviser: SpiceWare A level-headed defender of what's good about America.
Health and Human Services: JayMehaffey A widely read, articulate, fellow who understands a great deal about the human condition in spite of his relative youth.
Department of Homeland Security: danreck A passionate defender of the ideal of America. Someone with military experience, a student of history and other cultures, and someone who knows that idealism is important. A person who knows that taking away civil liberties will not make the population safer.
United States Trade Representative / FDA / FTC: Andrew Grygus A true renaissance man with a great understanding of business and how businesses evolve over time. He would be a great asset in negotiating trade agreements. He's also got an amazing understanding of foods and the importance of anti-trust.
Head of CIA: daemon Do I really need to explain this?!? Hey, daemon, how's that memoir coming?
Head of FBI: slugbug Someone who has demonstrated the ability to do fair, impartial investigations of complicated subjects and present the results in a way that policymakers can understand the issues and the best choices. Someone who understands the importance of equal protection under the law and the importance of preserving our (and our children's) liberties.
Office of National Drug Control Policy: broomberg Do I really need to explain this?!?
Chief of Staff: Silverlock An articulate, hard-headed advocate who doesn't suffer fools. Would be able to protect President Drew from those who would try to pull him to-and-fro at the expense of the ultimate goal.
Press Secretary: lincoln Someone with a demonstrated ability to distill complicated stories into a few sentences and keep on message.
EPA: inthane-chan Someone who understands the pressures on cities, the importance of controlling our impact on the environment. Someone with experience at EPA but who is not a prisoner of its culture.
Office of Science and Technology Policy: Ashton An elder statesman of science who understands its promise and problems.
National Academy of Engineering: CrisR Someone who understands the theory and application of complicated subjects and enjoys imparting that enthusiasm to others.
Ambassador to the UN: pwhysall An articulate advocate of communication in diverse communities. Someone who has worked hard in many settings, with little reward, to advance freedom, clear communication, and reasoned discussion.
Ambassador to Iraq: marlowe A passionate advocate of freedom and democracy who needs more real-world experience with those who disagree with him. Someone who needs to be able to work to advance his ideals and publically stand up for them. Someone who needs to understand that none of us have a monopoly on virtue. Someone who is not afraid of conflict.
Ambassador to Monaco: CRConrad An articulate, very well read and well balanced person who needs to be able to relax for a few years and think deep thoughts without the pressures of working for Larry. I feel there's a great book hidden inside him that is trying to come out.
(New position) Chair of Domestic Policy Council: jbrabeck A level-headed, articulate person from the heartland. Someone who has seen first-hand the implications of government policies. Someone with experience with the government bureaucracy. Someone who has served us in several capacities and who understands the advantages and limitations of government actions.
(New position) Historian for the United States: a6l6e6x An articulate, well-read person who offers a unique perspective on current events. Someone who has lived through many important events in the last 50 years and who is able to offer informed commentary on what the causes and consequences were. Someone who watched, and contributed to, the IT industry's growth and development. Someone who can bring a longer perspective to important policy issues - something that is increasingly missing these days. Cheers, Scott.
Post #182,758
11/4/04 9:59:20 AM
Thank you. I accept :-)
bcnu, Mikem
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell
Post #182,803
11/4/04 12:57:26 PM
Wow! Nicely done
and it's clear you've been paying attention all these years ;-)
jb4 shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating the facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT
Post #182,804
11/4/04 12:58:49 PM
I stumbly - er - humbly accept :)
Post #182,900
11/4/04 6:14:23 PM
Ok. That was grand!
Never thought about it that way.
Kind of sums up the way I feel, today especially.
-- [link||greg], [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwetheyNo matter how much Microsoft supporters whine about how Linux and other operating systems have just as many bugs as their operating systems do, the bottom line is that the serious, gut-wrenching problems happen on Windows, not on Linux, not on Mac OS. -- [link|,1759,1622086,00.asp|source]Here is an example: [link||Executing arbitrary commands without Active Scripting or ActiveX when using Windows]
Post #182,909
11/4/04 6:36:38 PM
However, something in the DOJ specifically tasked with bringing Microsoft to heel for being a bunch of assholes would be nice as well. :)
Let the president answer a higher anarchy/Strap him with an Ak-47, let him go, fight his own war/Let him impress daddy that way/No more blood for oil, we got our own battles to fight on our own soil/No more psychological warfare, to trick us to thinking that we ain't loyal/If we don't serve our own country, we're patronizing a hero/Look in his eyes its all lies/The stars and stripes, they've been swiped, washed out and wiped/And replaced with his own face, Mosh now or die!
Post #183,030
11/5/04 9:38:41 AM
What's the pay scale?
I kid. I joke. I jape. Position accepted.
----------------------------------------- How do you convince a Washington Journalist that you're not slapping him in the face?
Tell him you're not.
Post #183,032
11/5/04 9:43:11 AM
Why volunteer of course. You live on the bribes & kickbacks
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail ... but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"
Post #183,036
11/5/04 10:09:39 AM
$157k for Chief of Staff. Long hours though.
[link||2004 WH Staff Salaries] from the Washington Post.
Cheers, Scott.
Post #183,048
11/5/04 10:28:42 AM
Had to relook at a couple
There are a few detailees on the list. First glance and I read detainees.
No much difference though
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail ... but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"
Post #183,238
11/6/04 12:13:45 PM
thanks,,,position accepted!
....I needed a smile this week. Thanks!