From the way Kerry was campaigning, and from the expected composition of the Congress, he wouldn't have been able to change much other than the tone and emphasis of many major issues. Iraq would have continued to be a problem, he would have had a very difficult time getting many of his big programs passed, the budget would still be a big problem, imported oil would continue to be a big problem, manufacturing and tech jobs would continue to be a big problem, etc.

I'm a little surprised that he didn't win, and disappointed, but I think the republic will survive.

My wife is taking it very, very hard. :-(

I'm hopeful that the Democrats will find their voice, and find sensible policies that they can explain to people and eventually gain majority support for, in the next 2-3 years. A monoculture in government, as in operating systems, is a bad thing. :-(

I'm also hopeful that the Senate in particular will not permit Bush to swing the Supreme Court even farther to the right. (I am heartened by the fact that a lifetime appointment and respect for precedents have sometimes moderated the more extreme views of some of the earlier USSC justices.)
