So where to next Phil? let me guess
here is what I think you will be up to next. The Bush re-election was directly generated by the war in Iraq. After the Iraqi people, principally the non Baathists, had achieved the greatest greatest freedom, the stress of feudal Iraq Society and Saddamists forced them to defend these conquests by force of arms against the insurgents and foreign enemy. The enthusiasm of the liberation passed immediately into the zeal of war, which only meant the conveyance of the liberation across its national borders and hopefully spilling into neghboring countries.
The American people bled in the course of the last three years in the anti-terrorism campaign, and the ongoing democratisation became first of all a means of freeing them from the horrors and sufferings of Saddam. The liberation of Iraq has a feudal Islam against it. The liberation and democracization of Iraq faces an old guard Europe, divided into two hostile camps. Islamasists and their allies. If to the proud men and women of our armed forces the war was the direct continuation of the liberating democrasization, then to the Iranian Student who has not yet left the trenches of opposition occupied by him for three years, the war of liberation on an extensive scale would seem nothing else but a continuation of the preceding war against terror.
This by no means implies that America declares the war on terror over. On the contrary, we consider it the duty of the American people to defend the cause of Democracy against the inner as well as the foreign born-enemies. Doubtless our democratic war can become popular provided there is an open will to liberation of the regular people at last in one of the European countries. The powerful impulse which Europe has received from the Iraq war must now come back from Europe, thus materializing the thought of an international outcry for democracy in the consciousness of the working people of the middle east, and supplying the stimulus to rouse them for an entrance of European troops in the war. We do not doubt for a moment that in a consequence of the present war, the peoples of Europe will assist the fight of the Americans in Iraq, a month sooner or later, on more powerful, economic foundations and in a more perfect political form. If, in awaiting the imminent flood of democracy fever in Europe, Russia should be forced to conclude peace with the present-day governments of the Central Causcus, it would be a provisional, temporary, transitory peace with the revision which the European Powers will have to concern itself in the first place.
Our whole policy is built on the calculation upon this war on terror. The peace-programme, as submitted by us, can be fully accomplished only by overthrowing the decadent corrupt despotic governments. By realization of the democratic peace-programme, the present-day governments are all the more surely preparing their catastrophic collapse. Through our peace-negotiations we are trying to give them every possible support in this respect.
that about right Phil?
that way too many Iraqis conceived of free society as little more than a mosh pit with grenades. ANDISHEH NOURAEE