(I thought)
I know what a 'liberal education' has always meant, but have no idea what 'Liberal' means in your (apparently Y2K lexicon with '50s overlay) - since we haven't Had anything Left of [just right of Center] since Ronnie was anointed Uncle of us all. There hasn't been a functional 'Left Wing' in US since about the last assassination of '68.
Ronnie, and the Institutionalization of Greed is Good as National policy and Religion, presided over the greatest run-up of debt in history (< $T1 before his watch), the Contras as Founding Fathers yada yada.
Clinton was Right-of-Center, except for the Welfare 'reform' wherein he behaved just left of Far-Right - apparently for simple egoist One-upmanship: out-Troglodyte the folks who'd have liked to eliminate all assistance to anyone anytime. Really pissed them off bein outmaneuvered at that unholy scam (roosting just.. about.. Next, I'd predict - especially as the $-stuff gets worse and worse next).
Hell, next you'll drop the Liberal-Meeja on us (as if the grunts in the field had any power at all - given the few who own that there Libralmeeja Corp thingie) - and as if the Ollies n Rushs n Geo Wills et al: didn't outnumber about 10:1 *any* columnists, talking heads: as might be called Left of Center. Do tell us next about the meeja. Oh and PBS: count up the Right-ranters there, VS (every 3-4 years - Noam Chomsky might get a half hour). Who else? Tot up the weekly exposure of these silly 'poles' which meet at the extremes.
Sorry - got no idea whacha mean, if fixing-blame locally is the game. Your Boys (certainly the AG of Fla and Her Boys) + 5 renegade USSC Boys: Selected us the present crew.
Finally you may tell us: they aren't really Conservatives (already know that; 'Reactionaries' is closer) and that you're really a 'Libertarian': betrayed by both parties. Right.
Thing is: Muricans Love the welfare state. But love more - the euphemisms as allow them to pretend each one is a Rugged Individualist, but well protected from any actual risk.
The language of US politics has been fucked for so long - no one knows what any of the many 'sides' are saying. Which fits: since no one is listening either - just trading slogans. Like yours.
We'll probably go out with the same slogans as in McCarthy days, too (Bet).
PS - yeah some depraved folk do find it odd that 20-25% of all US children live below the arbitrary 'poverty level' - while other countries seem to manage so much better. OK: screw the babies then. Feel better with that?