[link|http://www.mcgath.com/kerryslavery.html|Well, he did at one point]
As part of his 100 day plan to change America, John Kerry will
propose a comprehensive service plan that includes requiring mandatory
service for high school students and four years of college tuition in
exchange for two years of national service.
I say:
Mandatory? Didn't the [link|http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/data/constitution/amendment13/|13th amendment] outlaw that?
I'm sure he didn't mean it. But only because I'm sure he doesn't
really mean anything he says.
Now that the Google cache has rescued this gem from the memory hole,
and Gary McGath has done his part, I've added a bit of insurance by
inserting it into Freenet at:
[link|http://fnmarlowe.blogspot.com/2004/10/kerry-calls-for-slavery-for-high.html|Comment at blogger.com]
[link|http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/marlowe/kerry.html#20041004|Angelfire link] (turn off Javascript to avoid popups)