Still no job. Tech wages here have taken a major nosedive. I thought I might have picked up a contract in Minn. for good money, but it seems to have tanked... cancelled by the customer (I was two levels down on the food chain). Sad to say, things are imploding a bit on the eCS front. Work has not been done on a French language version... and I have no vendable product if I don't have it in French: Québec is a French-speaking place, after all. I have a sale ready to go to Hydro Quebec as soon as a French version is available, but until then it's a no go.
To give you an idea of how bad the tech market here has gotten... they're offering 12$CDN/Hr for web designers now. Good for recent grads with no kids perhaps, but otherwise, it just sucks.
How are things with you these days?