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New Tis what I meant...
...when I said the slope is slippery in both directions...

While you wouldn't have things modified by the "system"...you err on the side of having them modified by the "fringe", for lack of a better term.

So what you end up with are good intentions gone bad...where public and individual good are sacrificed to live up to a "principle" that has no basis in its original intent.

I, quite frankly, don't trust either side...because neither shows any "sense". Case in point...the gentleman from California...duly elected...fired for saying the pledge and honoring the flag he was elected to serve...because his cohort thought it may "offend" some>one<.

I find that attitude to be very destructive...but in >principle< it seems to be what garners support.

Being nice to everyone will be our downfall.

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New We meet in the middle, then :-)
I will join you in eschewing, excoriating, polemicizing into a quivering mass of rancid Jello:

most any case ~ where dishonest application of (once) meaningful words is lawyered into an abomination. Offhand though: I can't think of a single nameable 'group' - wherein the murder of language is not at least occasionally tolerated, as the essential means for advancement, leaving us with the cognitive dissonance -

The person you *want* for President ought to be .. only someone dragged kicking and screaming - like GW (no, not That GW: Washington.)

Pledges / oaths may not be coerced however; a coerced oath is invalid on its face - the core of the inanity of the McCarthy era and its demand for such, merely to work / eat.

In marketing/bizness: the murder of language is the explicit means to the end of selling the unnecessary to the weak-willed. What more need be said? Let their extinction be accelerated.


But back to Amendment in same spirit: it's the duty of the Judge to ferret out* the frivolous, duplicitous and just plain obscenely obtuse 'claim' and apply suitable decision.

* I misplaced link to that Wonderful case involving a 'maritime' claim of stunning duplicity: the Judge said so in pure Monty Pythonese. That is how it should be.

I don't think that any number of micro-laws can make it possible for dumb people to judge well; believe also that the wiser Judge needs the least number of laws. This will never approach being a 'science': we have to settle for it's being an art - and take our chances. Improve those by educating away from dumbth and towards a 'liberal education' (what that has always connoted) + discrimination to choose the better - between the old and the newly proposed. More we cannot 'do' IMhO. (I've never heard the phrase, a conservative education. You?)

Sorry - back to 2001. Fat chance: language has Anthrax.

whose mistrust knows no bounds, while I remain in mere human form.
     Still in jail - (andread) - (23)
         Well... - (imric) - (22)
             Could someone explain to me... - (bepatient) - (21)
                 easy - (boxley) - (3)
                     Hmmm - (bepatient) - (2)
                         Nah. - (imric) - (1)
                             Better - (bepatient)
                 The idea - (JayMehaffey) - (16)
                     Brevity Award! - (Ashton)
                     In essence, - (bepatient) - (14)
                         Well.. if we were mostly-sane 24/7 - (Ashton)
                         But did they know what they'd *said*? - (CRConrad) - (12)
                             Look... - (bepatient) - (11)
                                 Interesting. - (Brandioch) - (5)
                                     Re: Interesting. - (bepatient) - (4)
                                         Perhaps you could provide an example? - (Brandioch) - (3)
                                             Why? - (bepatient) - (2)
                                                 The same M.O. I see. - (Brandioch) - (1)
                                                     Glad to spread the love -NT - (bepatient)
                                 Looked, saw: eventually Clarence Thomas will have to retire - (Ashton) - (4)
                                     Dear oh dear... - (bepatient) - (3)
                                         Naaah - simpler than that.. - (Ashton) - (2)
                                             Tis what I meant... - (bepatient) - (1)
                                                 We meet in the middle, then :-) - (Ashton)

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