Yeah.. sometimes I can yearn for a couple weeks spent back in the Ike years.. not much to worry about 'cept maybe McCarthy fingerin ya? or Ike's final speech - tryin to warn about that there military-industrial complex. (Getting a bit senile then? - as we see: no such animal! It morphed to the Corp-Congress Complex, replacing the original CCC (which performed actual work!)).
(See, basically I'm a conservative; want to conserve the Good stuff and jettison the Awful stuff - romanticize None of the stuff. Put expiration dates for re-vote on All of the New stuff. QED)
{sigh} I actually do see (some of) your points, wish too that the I-word (er integrity) had not been retired from disuse.. so that I *might* er trust 'Government' to represent something other than Bizness - via overt purchase from unlimited funds, employed without any semblance of the I-word.
So that's where we diverge - you believe in the math of Econ, and (apparently) trust Bizness! to be the Trusted-Key, capable of supplanting Govt. (with its warts + a few Good Wo/Men: the best of the career folk).
I OTOH deem the Biznessfolk as having been adequately characterized by George Babbitt (especially those at the top: given the amount of lying, spin and bestial behavior, ever to arrive there).
I'll take an educated career Govt. employee over any (OK - with very few exceptions) Biz-Ad MBA. I've watched their faces in seminars as the Billys of the world come to lecture on: unlimited funds, out there to Get - by any means you can devise. But please to call this process Success!. No, I call it - leveraging matters so that a very few profit greatly from the labors of all - with allegiance to none but selves. Employees [today] are overtly described as liabilities, not assets. Noticed?
As to trusting either group.. to sorta 'modify' some of the Bill of Rights.. sorta? you have to be kidding. Yes, it may allow for some rotten claims, too close to call with confidence - but we actual conservatives support the Constitutional theme:
Better that some escape punishment than any innocent person be punished.
This *especially* in a time when all are trying to recover from the recent Tulip Craze wherein - any 20+ year old 'oughtta' be worth $50M by age 30, if he's doing his web page right.. uhhh - get us a min-wage janitor, willya Kevin?
Nope.. in the time of a deathly-ill I-word: Leave that Amendment wide open to max coverage. How long? Until Billy n'Bally (n'Scott n' ___) are actually serving time somewhere. Then we can talk about a few minor exceptions.