Take a random example, System.arraycopy what are the parameters and their orders? I have no clue off the top of my head and Java as opposed to Smalltalk provides absolutely no help. There are a lot of methods like this that take multiple parameters in who knows what order. In my Xemacs days I had to go look at the Javadoc to see, now when I type in System. I get the autocompletion and when I select arraycopy I get the parameter list with the variable names.
Another feature is auto-imports, ctrl-enter automatically imports the class. Of course there is real time syntax checking, we use Ant for building so this way I don't have to run a build to find out that I have a type or missed a semi-colon.
These all seem like little things but in the course of a day add up. What is it about Emacs that makes it so productive for you? Intellij in fact offers an Emcas keymapping.