Post #173,053
9/8/04 8:36:07 AM

Sounds nice...
"First teach the world that hostage taking and others terrorist acts will be rewarded only with death. Then wait a bit, while all these problems begin to solve themselves."
That's not a solution -- that's a rant.
First of all, _all_ human behavior is rewarded only with death (and much too soon) -- and the world has been fully aware of it for a really, really long time.
Second, while we're at it, let's solve a couple other problems:
Let's rid the human race of sexually transmitted diseases -- strict monogamy for 80 to 100 years would just about do it.
Let's improve my standard of living -- if everybody in the US would just give me a dime, the increased utility to me would far outweigh the sum of the decreased utilities to everybody else.
These may seem unrelated to your "answer", but as game theory teaches us, the benefits to local cheating while everybody else toes the line can be high -- high enough to derail even the best-meaning ideologies in practice.
Who would you trust not to ever deal with terrorists?
"Have whatever values you have. That's what America is for. You don't need George Bush for that."
Post #173,066
9/8/04 10:25:08 AM

OT: Panhandler Joe, is that you?
[link||Got a dollar?]
Cheers, Scott.
Post #173,068
9/8/04 10:27:08 AM

Nope. thats not p-joey
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition
Post #173,069
9/8/04 10:28:36 AM

Saw the ;-j right? I know he's not; just reminded me of PJ.
Post #173,081
9/8/04 11:41:41 AM

PJ is Imric, and Imric is PJ, no? Gainfully employed now
Post #173,086
9/8/04 11:56:36 AM

back when he was wineing a lot :-)
These miserable swine, having nothing but illusions to live on, marshmallows for the soul in place of good meat, will now stoop to any disgusting level to prevent even those miserable morsels from vanishing into thin air. The country is being destroyed by these stupid, vicious right-wing fanatics, the spiritual brothers of the brownshirts and redstars, collectivists and authoritarians all, who would not know freedom if it bit them on the ass, who spend all their time trying to stamp, bludgeon, and eviscerate the very idea of the individual's right to his own private world. DRL questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #173,142
9/8/04 3:25:16 PM

Hey, things were bad!
Imric's Tips for Living
- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning, As hopeless as it seems in the middle, Or as finished as it seems in the end.
Post #173,076
9/8/04 11:00:39 AM

Hey hey hey!
Nope - it's not me...
But I always appreciate a helping hand!
[link||Got a Dollar]?
[link||Buy a Clue]!
Post #173,077
9/8/04 11:05:05 AM

Post #173,082
9/8/04 11:42:30 AM

No, that's "the Italian Stallion" - ciao whinny!
Post #173,951
9/13/04 3:44:47 PM

Ciao, good buddy
...e se non piangi, di che pianger suoli?