Well then, that only leaves
the Ashcroft/Diebold Covenant:
Conscripted army of 5M or so Peacekeepers to manage the Empire, one smoldering city-block at-a-time. Surely the Nintendo Eloi will join the Elite Volunteer Schutzstaffel, along with the scions of our other National War Heroes (Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rove, Kristol et al - who earlier.. were saving themselves for this now obv. Highest Priority)
Kinda a nice ring to, Obergruppenfuehrer Klaus Philbot, resplendent in that dark-mauve uniform with the shiny black boots, gold embroidered epaulets and the stunning Eagle-over-the-Globe lapel insignia. (No one can even see a bulge.. from the miniaturized Model Airplane Controller in his smartly-tailored inner pocket - via which he sends his minions of Risk-at-a-Distance Stinger-gnats into er combat?)
One might long to see the Purple Heart added to his chest decorations; what's the loss of a few limbs when you're fighting the Perpetual War-on-Peace?
Carrion - - -