Though it may be a corollary of (actual?) forgiveness.
Test case:
I can forgive you but I can never forget..
Some observers of the homo-sap scene suggest that, "holding accounts" signifies some feeling remaining across the spectrum from, Nemesis..........Loving Friendship - and of course it is *all* about emotional judgment; facts have little to do with it all - they're so malleable.
Now as in, don't think of an elephant, for the next 30 minutes! - we realize we cannot command 'forgetting' - but the desire to 'close the books', just might be how that gets started.
ie. a desire to 'remember' is tantamount to not really 'forgiving'. Forgiving, I'd think, is an emotional judgement that an issue is closed / resolved. It may or may not signify a wish for further friendship - if that was tenuous before some incident.
I doubt the concept can be parsed or grokked to fullness, in any event. Prose can't transmit emotion very well, and too few of us are reliable poets. Hell, look at the wannabe and actual suicides (at least those ones characterized as over, ~not forgiving Oneself!)
HTH, but not sure if it does.