...But I have tried Eclipse, and we use StarTeam here at work.
First, I don't use Windows, so my experience is purely on the Linux side of things.
I have tried Eclipse. I find it not as flexible as NetBeans. I can't get as many different colorations as NB provides me. I can't break it up into multiple different screen-sections that are all separately moveable, like NB. I can't change the goddamn HUGE-ASS font that is the file-list pane. It just feels....awkward.
So I've gone back to using NetBeans. And I'm really looking forward to the NB4.0 release that should be happening any...month...now.
As far as ST goes, I don't have any kind of ST IDE integration. I do like the ST environment, however. Having CRs (bugs, change requests, whatever you want to call them) in the same environment as your source files is a powerful idiom. When you check in files, you can link them to the CR that they address. So then, if you want to go back and look at the files that were affected by that CR, voilá! It's right there! (NOTE: This takes some developer discipline, which doesn't seem to be in abundance here...)
Sorry I can't help you out WRT IntelliJ, but HTH...