are for the Senate. The current Electoral College system basically disenfrachises most of the country except for voters in swing states. A Republican in NY or a Democrat in Texas has no reason to vote, their vote will not count. If you look at the Presidential campaign it is clear and obvious that they are basically only campaigning in the so called swing states.

House elections have become a sham as well. With all the gerrymandering at least 90% of Representatives are in safe seats where their party has enough of a majority in the district to ensure their election. Given the incumbent re-election rate in the House we might as well save money and not hold the elections.

In the Senate, there is no gerrymandering, and no games like the electoral college, every vote counts. And in fact, it seems to work, for example, heavily Democratic NY elected a Republican Senator for over 20 years (Javits, then Damato).