[link|http://www.campaigndesk.org/archives/000851.asp|How the news media pretended that the Swift Boat Liars for Bush are actually a story when the Swiftees are so obviously and verifiably full of shit]. Key quote, from the Columbia Journalism Review:

Why was the press complicit in keeping afloat a story so easily debunked?

Also, [link|http://swiftvets.eriposte.com/kerrycambodia.htm|The sum of the Cambodia story is that there's no reason to believe Kerry wasn't in Cambodia that day]. Read [link|http://swiftvets.eriposte.com/|the whole eRiposte Swift Vets site] and you'll realize how much you've been taken for a ride by people who have thrown away whatever honour they earned on the battlefield just to hurt John Kerry for his having complained about atrocities, mismanagement, and poor leadership in Vietnam more than thirty years ago.