Hi dmarker 2,

I'm very interested in these SMC spirits with the P-40 sterling engine. Do you have any further information on these engines or these cars?

look forward to hearing from you



posted by dmarker

"Robert Stirling ...

Stirling Engines [*]

"Q: Are Stirling engines really the most efficient engines possible?

A: In the mid 1800's a very bright Frenchman named Sadi Carnot figured
out the maximum efficiency possible with any heat engine. It is a formula
like this (Temperature of the hot side - Temperature of the cold
side)/Temp of hot side x 100 equals the max theoretical efficiency. Of
course the temperatures must be measured in degrees Kelvin or Rankine.
Stirling engines (with perfect regeneration) match this cycle. Real Stirling
engines can reach 50 percent of the maximum theoretical value. That is an
incredibly high percentage!

In the 1970s
Ford built a Stirling engined motor car that was approx 30% more efficient on milage than a gasoline engine
& unlike steam engines, would never explode like a bomb. But 30% was not enough to change from conventional engines.

"Here is a picture of a 1979 AMC Spirit. It was equipped with an
experimental Stirling engine powerplant called the "P-40". The Spirit was
capable of burning gasoline, diesel, or gasohol. The P-40 Stirling engine
promised less pollution, 30% better mileage, and the same level of
performance as the car's standard internal combustion engine.

I have several models of these (accquired in the past 12 months from the US). They are fascinating conversation pieces.

