Eschewing any one or several, of the 100.0%-man-spawned Corporate Religions covered; this in the spirit of (to pick just one)
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.(Think that was one of Mike's)
I Don't Believe! that the body-politic has the Guts to train-up tads with sound ethical principles, finely-crafted BS-filters and - put their Ah Believe __!!s anywhere near! sane exploration, (even if the survival of the species were in dire straits for the fact of inculcation in the same-old endless war -generating mantra. As obv It Is.)
I doubt.. that you believe they would, either, but it Sounds so Kewl. And so nicely theoretical. ;-j