As to enhanced proctoring.. seems to me that, where widespread dishonesty is not merely rampant in bizness-'04 -- but a necessity (to at least simulate 'agreement') in order to Remain One of The Team\ufffd -- it's a bit late for enforcing standards alien to what the tyke has acquired by osmosis (listening to Momn'Dad's replay of each day's office atrocities and language murder by TLA).

Technically - surely compliance might be achieved (all tests in an RF-screened room, with white noise full spectrum transmitter of a few watts, to drown out whatever you missed). But if the tad doesn't know Why not-to-cheat.. of WTF Use was his university liberal-edjaKayshun ??

[As 'we' took back The Flag from the farRightful.. so shall we winnow back the utterly Sane notion of a Liberal attitude] towards all information presented - new & old, from full recogniton of the fact that stuff We All Know is as apt to be a POS as .. any blab-word readily demonstrates. Science, for ex. done by a full-farRightful Cabal would be: cf. This Admin's "way with science" (in now several linked posts). Galileo redux.

I read your posts; sometimes with a Me-too! reply, other times as - beyond discussion ie. (What I have imperfectly accumulated re, of what a 'Baptist' sect POV likely comprises) - say, The One True Religion VS all Wrong-ones on the planet?

We see that this cannot be parsed; similarly -'homosexuals --> God Didn't MAKE Those' / they can 'reform' cha cha cha or say, how much of her body a woman Owns? / and When. Well, you see... a certain number of Taboos (no not the perfume, that's Tab\ufffd)

But then you are not 'all Baptists' - as vacuous a label as imagining there is any such thing as The Murican Peepul. Most here are likely to realize that (too). I fancy we two are not so far apart as to a ~sane policy of safeguarding workers' survival via also much more *regularly* inspecting Corporate Rulez and offshore-havens (than a fanatic Libertarion would Ever want == 0-oversight \ufffd l\ufffd Mr. Galt and folks like My Gramma).

So you are neither unloved nor unwanted; stats on %reply notwithstanding


Who, had I ever imagined self to have become Universally Loved -?- would know instantly that I had succumbed to Universal Niceness - and had always said.. quite nothing-at-all. (Which may also be true, but at least not from innate sycophancy ;-)