I also consider myself crazy, and I am working with my Doctor and Social Worker to see what I can do about that. I found, as far as college goes, that I have a John Nash complex working for me. My memory and concentration problems make it hard to understand the material, but my schitzoaffective disorder kicks in and my alter ego "Orion" helps me out. I start having racing thoughts that give me the answers to the questions thrown at me. Vary rarely is a case like this a good thing. So far it has earned me a 3.9 GPA, and my instructors tell me if I can improve my grammar and English I might be able to get some papers published.
I found I am a nonmainstream economist, perhaps a neoclassical. I am alreading coming up with theories, like one that shows a relationship to outsourcing and the price of gas and oil. As we grow the economies of China, Russia, India, etc, they consume more oil and gas, hence driving up prices slightly. Apparently outsourcing is a factor, not the only one mind you, but can account for a small price raise of the gas and oil increases. Hence I found a downside to outsourcing.
Economics was not meant as a true science, nor do I claim it to be so. Adam Smith was a philosopher, to me, economics is more of a social science. I suppose one could call it a pseduo-science. Economics is more than about money values, it is about resources, government involvement in the economy, supply and demand, unemployment (which is a social problem, by the way), human behavior, it even has a pollitical aspect to it, and more. Models are used, and in a way, this is how science enters the economics study I quote J. M. Keys, "Economics is the science of thinking in terms of models, joined to the art of chosing models which are relevant to the contemporary world." Perhaps if Mr. Keys is correct, economics is part science and part art.
I had asked for a scientific alternative to economics, yet I do not believe one was given. Until we invent one, we shall continue to use economics in our world.
I never claimed to be an expert at economics, in fact I said I was talking from a college level course in economics. So far I have only earned a 96%, but the economics class is half over.