Color me nonplussed.
All of this stuff (except for the bit about the protestation of the election, and not getting any senator signatures) was all old news to me. Yeah, it was great to see it up there on screen, and see all these people around me agreeing with me, and knowing I'm not nuts for once...
And then it clicked. This is the "five minute hate" of my political grouping. It's not an attempt to reach out to the undecided - it's more of a "rally the faithful" type film. I have a feeling that people who go to see this film undecided one way or the other might be turned off by its tone and possibly even go over to the Bush camp based on the behavior of the majority of the people in the theatre.
And that's another sticking point to this whole mess - the people who were there. We had loud jeers, catcalls, namecalling, etc. - all targeted at Bush, and all extremely uncouth. It's really not an image I'm proud of.
That, and the policeman standing outside the theatre door sure made me wonder...