Post #161,694
6/25/04 11:09:39 PM

Saw it this morning
The 11 AM show had a very good turnout.
I laughed, I cried and I got very angry. At the end, the audience started applauding, then burst into cheers.
I thought it was very well done, especially when Moore got out of the way and let the people he was filming tell their story themselves.
Tom Sinclair
"While I'm still confused and uncertain, it's on a much higher plane, d'you see, and at least I know I'm bewildered about the really fundamental and important facts of the universe." Treatle nodded. "I hadn't looked at it like that," he said, "But you're absolutely right. He's really pushed back the boundaries of ignorance." -- Discworld scientists at work (Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites)
Post #161,722
6/26/04 11:42:54 AM

I note it's rated "R".
I had planned to take my daughters, aged 12 and 13. In your opinion, what made the film an "R"?
bcnu, Mikem
If you can read this, you are not the President.
Post #161,723
6/26/04 12:23:44 PM

Re: I note it's rated "R".
The rating system is voluntary, and in any case children under 17 are allowed with parents.
There is some grim footage of maimed and killed civilians in Iraq.
Post #161,726
6/26/04 1:24:35 PM

Rating system not voluntary.
This film was given an "R" rating. Moore objected to that and appealed to the Film Ratings Board (whoever the hell they are), and they denied his request to change it to PG-13. It stays at an "R" rating.
Post #161,748
6/26/04 4:17:56 PM

For certain values of 'voluntary'
He's free to release it unrated.
----------------------------------------- It is much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than it is to give them a helping hand. Mike Royko
Post #161,751
6/26/04 4:48:15 PM

Just like 99% of the theatres are free to not show unrated movies.
Post #161,753
6/26/04 4:52:14 PM
6/26/04 4:53:11 PM

It's upto the theater ownership to enforce the ratings
They make exceptions.

Edited by deSitter
June 26, 2004, 04:53:11 PM EDT
Post #161,761
6/26/04 6:58:56 PM

When was the last significant exception that you know of?
To deny the indirect purchaser, who in this case is the ultimate purchaser, the right to seek relief from unlawful conduct, would essentially remove the word consumer from the Consumer Protection Act - [link||Nebraska Supreme Court]
Post #162,703
7/2/04 7:44:21 PM

Noted in local SF Chron:
The Grand Lake Theatre near Lake Merritt in Oakland (a few blocks whence onest I lived) - has on the marqee: ~
R Rating not enforced for this presentation
(Need to look up exact wording, but that's close; 'twas a few words only)
Post #162,712
7/2/04 8:36:27 PM

Hey, if it's good enough for TV news, why not?
"If I seem unduly clear to you, you must have misunderstood what I said." -- Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve chairman
Post #162,727
7/2/04 10:22:51 PM

Akshully, that was a throwaway pic
Article was about the unexpectedly huge patronage, generally. Sold-out sessions, etc.
Post #161,779
6/26/04 9:41:43 PM

[link|| Hardly]. Just Google on Jack Valenti for the full flavour.
They engaged attys to try for a PG - for the above very reason. Denied. No, you Can't rate it yourself; dunno in 6/04 what the moniker "UnRated" does to farmily valuez type small theatre operations - but I can Guess. (That usually signifies a battle to get something down from NC-17 to merely R or maybe X--> NC-17) cha cha cha
May be due to Abu-G pix or other pix, or politics or the execrableness of all Corp $$-related mixes of "what's Good for the public We Must Sell To". I think... that a theatre can somewhat ignore.. especially Adult-accompanied kids re 'R', depending on which way the wind blows. Only a Ashcroftian pecksniff would attempt to impose strict-application, anyway - where $$ are the prize.
(And of course, This Ashcroft may well be folding something-in -in a hurry- for release to The Movie Industry, depending on effects of this already-'damned' piece of ComSympTerrorist Demo propaganda, of the Very-wrong -handedness.
Crap shoot, then. No advance guarantees in East Shitkick. Guarantees? - PATRIOT nullified that kind of stuff.
Post #161,823
6/27/04 3:33:03 PM

They can play video games where they kill and maim, but don't show them the real consequences. I've decided. They're going. Thanks all.
bcnu, Mikem
If you can read this, you are not the President.
Post #163,228
7/7/04 10:37:59 AM

Re: I note it's rated "R".
it uses the word 'motherfucker' more than once which apparently is an automatic R rating
I agree w/ Tom Sinclair very good movie audience applause at end
Play I Some Music w/ Papa Andy Saturday 8 PM - 11 PM ET All Night Rewind 11 PM - 5 PM Reggae, African and Caribbean Music [link||Tune In]
Post #163,231
7/7/04 10:40:05 AM

Re: I note it's rated "R".
Where did you see it? (Town will suffice)
Post #163,394
7/8/04 9:40:40 AM

Re: I note it's rated "R".
Play I Some Music w/ Papa Andy Saturday 8 PM - 11 PM ET All Night Rewind 11 PM - 5 PM Reggae, African and Caribbean Music [link||Tune In]