Post #161,321
6/23/04 9:01:09 PM

You should try to lift his bag of medals
My friend Bill lived with him for a while. Hangs out with him a couple of days a week now. I see him occasionally, help with his computers, play with his dog. Bill travels with him to Olympic events, and spends a lot of time at his shore house and the AC casinos.
This guy has literally dozens of women going after him. He can't leave his phone on during a date because 4 or 5 will call.
For a while I went over his house to feed his dog Zeus. Great Dane. Outweighed me. Stood higher than me.
And occasionally we play ping pong. He tapes the paddle to his hand. Stays in 1 position in his wheel chair. And can reach both side of the table with the single hand. Quickly. Can play forehand and backhand just as well. And manages to drop the ball on my side the farthest possible distance from me. I run my ass off.
I have a really good spinning serve that sometimes can get by him. Other than that, I cheat. There is a certain point near the net he can't reach. So I try to lightly drop the ball right there.
Post #161,322
6/23/04 9:02:44 PM

Think he'd be up for a game Friday night?
Say, about 10PM or so?
To deny the indirect purchaser, who in this case is the ultimate purchaser, the right to seek relief from unlawful conduct, would essentially remove the word consumer from the Consumer Protection Act - [link||Nebraska Supreme Court]
Post #161,323
6/23/04 9:04:03 PM

He'll be on a date, or on the way to the casino with Bill.
Post #161,325
6/23/04 9:08:40 PM
6/23/04 11:58:35 PM

Post #161,332
6/23/04 9:30:24 PM
6/24/04 12:00:05 AM

To deny the indirect purchaser, who in this case is the ultimate purchaser, the right to seek relief from unlawful conduct, would essentially remove the word consumer from the Consumer Protection Act - [link||Nebraska Supreme Court]

Edited by ben_tilly
June 24, 2004, 12:00:05 AM EDT
Post #161,342
6/23/04 10:11:34 PM

Hey admin!!!
Please, important. Wipe out the above post.
Post #161,357
6/24/04 12:01:12 AM

Y'all owe me for this one.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #161,359
6/24/04 12:04:52 AM

Post #161,369
6/24/04 1:12:22 AM

{cackle}_____{cackle}___Ah... IWE____________{glorp}
Post #161,368
6/24/04 1:11:12 AM

Indeed I do
One bottomless beer coming up at beeps ifn you want it.
Thanks, Ben
To deny the indirect purchaser, who in this case is the ultimate purchaser, the right to seek relief from unlawful conduct, would essentially remove the word consumer from the Consumer Protection Act - [link||Nebraska Supreme Court]
Post #161,393
6/24/04 8:03:35 AM

No, that's what he does to you
Post #161,402
6/24/04 9:08:48 AM

With prodding from someone else...
He almost gave up early.
-- [link||greg], [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwethey
Heard near the SCOG employee entry/exit way:
Security: We got another Mass Exodus Doorway Jam.