The experiment mentioned probably ought to be as compelling as my own random (and too few) stats. We all know people who 'would return things'; still the most visible [and clearly, recurrent] examples which cross all imaginary categories are.. what the people At Top, those 'managing' affairs Do. And instruct their minions to help-Do.
Possibly our once ~visible 'ethical sense' has simply been overwhelmed by the sophistries of the legal group and the cooing insincerity / dissembling within virtually every AD we ever see.
(Yess.. there is the occasional brilliant exception; I still remember fondly the Exxon? commercial of many moons back - showing a dinosaur-in-your-tank; a subtle + funny reminder {unintentional?} of the complexity and length of the natural "petroleum factory process" from which we are making only withdrawals.)
Maybe the final insult, a classic Language Murder-in-1st degree - which all here can fully plumb is:
Microsoft Trustworthy Computing
So then.. I don't really *know* to what extent Muricans are in fact 'less trustworthy' today -?- But I do think I Know; that the airwaves are filled with counter-examples from Top to next door, and I see that I experience more 'subtle lies' in the course of the usual daily affairs from auto maintenance to countless droids on phones - most of these.. speaking for The Corporation. Certainly much more of this than say - 20 yrs. ago.
who has come to believe that dishonesty | Corporate 'Success' are inextricably entwined. And after all is said, We Are a Corporatocracy [or I have noticed Nothing.]