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New What could be more important?
Someone believes something other than what you do - or that you are not doing right... well, what do you do?

Accept their ways? Or fight?

Somewhat by evolution peaceful religions are mostly wiped out.... :)

In the local NC area, there's a area in what used to be Salem (Now Winston-Salem), the local history is that it was occupied by a bunch of ..... errrr. offshoots of Quakers? Anyway, they didn't believe in violence.

So they'd clear an area, build a house, and someone would come by, toss them out on their ear, so they'd start all over again. :)

You can see why there aren't a lot of them anymore. :)

All religions seem to have been required to kill their perceived enemies at some stage in their development

And it depends on how you interpret various things. Certainly, there are religions that do not speak of killing enemies. Others revel in it. Think of how many religions that we know of that are now "gone" - not practiced anymore.

What's more important than protecting/glorifying your god(s)? Basically, when someone moves in nearby who believes that its important that you glorify THEIR god.... Cause after all, otherwise, its in an insult to their god(s)'s divineness..........

New Moravians.
Hi Addison,

In the local NC area, there's a area in what used to be Salem (Now Winston-Salem), the local history is that it was occupied by a bunch of ..... errrr. offshoots of Quakers? Anyway, they didn't believe in violence.

More info on the Moravian history is [link|http://users.erols.com/fmoran/morav.html|here]. Not much about their beliefs though.


New Oh, yeah. *duh*.
Its been one of those kinda mornings...

Thanks, Scott.

     Why are Religion and War so often tied together? - (brettj) - (22)
         What could be more important? - (addison) - (2)
             Moravians. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                 Oh, yeah. *duh*. - (addison)
         Bad news - (JayMehaffey)
         They are seen as mutually supporting means to liberation -NT - (tseliot)
         Tribal conflict grown large. - (Silverlock) - (4)
             Not always - (marlowe) - (1)
                 True - (Silverlock)
             The funny thing - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
                 Well.. yes, which may be why - (Ashton)
         You cant have an US without a THEM that starts it all -NT - (boxley)
         All of the above ^^^ - (Ashton) - (6)
             You got that right. - (brettj) - (5)
                 brettj ugly is as ugly does - (boxley) - (2)
                     And wicked is as wicked does. - (brettj)
                     duplicate post. (erased) -NT - (brettj)
                 I think it's rather a good demonstration, actually... - (static) - (1)
                     LRPD- 'Incidentally, my Liege, this is how we know - (Ashton)
         Personally... - (ChrisR) - (3)
             Is there a(n actual) difference, in the end? -NT - (Ashton) - (2)
                 In Dollar we Trust? - (ChrisR) - (1)
                     Am reminded of a particular quote. - (static)

Any more detail than what's there and you'd have to have the magic software they use in movies to pull a license plate out of five pixels.
139 ms