Post #158,363
6/4/04 6:33:20 AM
6/4/04 6:35:58 AM
"The scene" Cameras focus on a little Cessna plane flying through big city canyons. Commentator gasping each word as he describes the jerky path of the plane.
Plane eventually lines up on big city skyscraper & charges it full bore.
World watching prime time ...
Plane engine noise fills the airwaves courtesy of long range digital microphones ...
Folk in the targetted building look out to see the looming craft hurtling toward their monument to modern capitalism ...
Plane closees in ...
All look on anxiously ...
Some hide their eyes as the impending disaster looms ...
Closer, closer, closer ...
Then one big 'SPLAT' & puf of burnt fuel & the cessna crunches to a halt embedded in a small hole in the building. The pilot is mincemeat. Building barely shook. Couple of windows break. Biggest number of deaths outside the plane are the heart attack victims.
Well it has actually happened before somewhat like the above - lets see who can recall the event.
Doug M :-)
"Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!".
-- Leonardo Da Vinci
Edited by dmarker
June 4, 2004, 06:35:58 AM EDT
Post #158,364
6/4/04 6:37:21 AM
Well, there was one in Florida I believe . .
. . just a little after 9/11. Some kid.
Post #158,366
6/4/04 6:40:46 AM
Tampa, FL; some gutter-press head-quarters, IIRC.
Post #158,427
6/4/04 1:17:11 PM
1/2 right
"some gutter-press head-quarters" was the anthrax at the other end in Boca Ratob, the plane was in the Bank Building to me in Tampa, Say one building away from two terror attacks, wonder what the odds are. Better not move to NYC. thanx, bill
Anchorage AK: House for sale 3 bed 1 bath 1440 sq feet huge lot near Cheney Lake 175K 813.273.3518
Time for Lord Stanley to get a Tan questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #158,558
6/5/04 6:08:54 PM
I was thinking of Flor event but it seems there are many .
[link||] -- Florida crash
[link||] -- Milan Italy crash
[link||] -- L.A. crash
Doug M
"Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!".
-- Leonardo Da Vinci
Post #158,639
6/6/04 12:56:23 PM
Keep looking, you'll (unfortunately) find more like #3.
The thing that lead to the accident in LA (the one that hit the apartment building) is the most common cause of VFR accidents. It's officially known as "continued flight into IMC under VFR". Basically, it's when a VFR-only (Visual Flight Rules only) pilot flies into IMC (Instrument Meterologic Conditions). IOW, a pilot who is only certificated to fly by visual references gets into weather where the visual references disappear and you have to fly "by Instruments". To legally fly under IFR (instrument flight rules) requires additional training and additional equipment on the airplane (although my guess is that the Beech probably had all the necessary equipment - just a pilot who didn't know how to use it).
The other contributing factor was what pilots call "get there-itis". Apparently this guy was trying to get one person to Las Vegas and two more to Sun Valley, Idaho. They'd apparently been waiting at the airport for about 8 hours for the weather to improve. The guy got three different weather briefings and decided to try to "pop through" the clouds against the recommendation of Flight Service. VFR Pilot are supposed to stay 500 feet below clouds, 1000 feet above them and maintain 2000 feet horizontal separation. This guy took off, got into the clouds, either didn't trust his instruments, the instruments failed or he tried to "feel" his way through the clouds. In short, he violated the law and all of his training by entering clouds and stalled the plane, entered a spin and didn't have enough altitude to make up for his mistakes.
This is not dissimilar to what JFK, Jr. did - in fact, it is almost identical to what he did.
Here's the NTSB report on the flight in LA: [link||]
bcnu, Mikem
If you can read this, you are not the President.
Post #158,423
6/4/04 1:10:23 PM
There was one in italy, too, iirc
and a pilot in Quebec managed to crash his plane in zero visibility conditions into a radio tower, of all things.
They had to demolish the tower to get his body.
--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton jake at *\n* [link||] [link|irc://|irc://] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada [link|news://|news://] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
Post #158,559
6/5/04 6:10:36 PM
Yup, in Milan (see link above)
"Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!".
-- Leonardo Da Vinci
Post #158,431
6/4/04 1:42:59 PM
Just to be the Debbil's advocate...
Let's modify the scene just a little bit (changes bolded)... "The scene" Cameras focus on a little Cessna plane flying through big city canyons. Commentator gasping each word as he describes the jerky path of the plane.
Plane eventually lines up on big city skyscraper & charges it full bore.
World watching prime time ...
Plane engine noise fills the airwaves courtesy of long range digital microphones ...
Folk in the targetted building look out to see the looming craft hurtling toward their monument to modern capitalism ...
Plane closees in ...
All look on anxiously ...
Some hide their eyes as the impending disaster looms ...
Closer, closer, closer ...
Just before impact, the pilot, accompanied by frantic cries of "Allah akubar" (or some such unintelligible tommyrot) detonates a "fertilizer bomb" in which s/he has imbedded 30 or so spent fuel rods purloined from a Russian nucular [sic] reactor, and spirited into the country in the false back of a freight container...
Yeah, it's far-fetched. Or maybe not, since the "administration" insists on fighting the last war and, for all its huffing and puffing about "security", doesn't seem too interested in trying to thwart this scenario.
jb4 shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating the facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT